in general, raw. The blue is of an unpleasant purple hue, but the ruby, as is not uncommonly the case in Price's works, is as scarlet as that of the fifteenth century but of a rawer tone through being made on a purer white base. Enamel blue is employed in some of the draperies and smaller ornaments; and a red enamel, like china red, for the flesh colour; but in general pot-metal colours are used. It is to this circumstance principally, that the superior effect of the south as compared with the north windows of the nave is owing.
The tracery lights are of the same design as those of the Antechapel windows. A figure and canopy occupies each from A to F inclusive, and various ornaments the smaller lights. The figures are of Price's time, but parts of the original glazing occur in the canopies, and in the smaller lights. The word cherubyn, at the bottom of the canopies A and B, is in each instance on an ancient piece of glass.
I am inclined to think that all the figures in the lower lights of this window, and certainly that all their heads, are Price's. A Bishop and a Cardinal are represented, as well as ordinary saints, but no names are given. Three of the crozier heads, and large portions of the canopy work are of Wykeham's time. The glass of which they are composed, as in the former window, looks perfectly green. The tracery lights are of the same general design as the last. A good deal of the canopy-work, &c., and the whole of one or two of the figures, which are simply angels, are original, as is the word Dnaco'es which is written under each of the canopies A and B. The old blue tapestry ground is retained in one of the lights. This appears quite cold and greenish in hue, on comparison with the glass in the lower lights.
Price seems to have painted the figures in the upper tier of lower lights, at all events, if not some of those in the lower tier. He has retouched them all. Amongst them are represented Bishops, Patriarchs, and three female