No. 16 is inscribed Sc's Simon. The figure bears an axe.
No. 17 is inscribed Sc's Mathia'. The figure carries a club.
No. 18 is inscribed Sc's Judas.
No. 19. The canopy in this light differs in design from any of those already described. Though its hood is as long as those in No. 7 and the following lights. The pedestal is crossed with the founder's legend, at the same level as the pedestal in No. 1, &c. The spire background is red, and the tapestry blue. The figure under the canopy is, from the sorrowful expression of the countenance, evidently a representation of the Mater Dolorosa: the left hand is pressed against the head; in the other is a book. The figure looks towards its left. There is no other inscription except the following portion of the founder's legend, Orate p Willo, which, as before mentioned, crosses the pedestal of the canopy.
No. 20. The canopy is of the same design as the last, but its spire background is coloured blue, and its tapestry is red, powdered with letters M, crowned. The figure is evidently a representation of the Mater Dolorosa. The hands are clasped together; the figure looks to its left. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend: Fundatore.
No. 21. The canopy is of the same design as No. 19, and has a red spire ground. The tapestry is blue, but is powdered with yellow crosses. The figure, which looks to its right, is evidently a representation of St. John the Evangelist. The right hand is pressed against the head, but the countenance is not particularly sorrowful. The pedestal is crossed with the following portion of the founder's legend: Episcopo.
No. 22. The canopy is of the same design as No. 19. The spire background is blue, and the tapestry is red, powdered with letters M, crowned. The figure is an exact duplicate of that in No. 20. The portion of the founder's legend is, Wynton.
No. 23. The canopy is of the same design as the last, but the spire ground is red, and the tapestrty blue, powdered with yellow crosses. The figure is a perfect duplicate of that in No. 21. The portion of the founder's legend is, de Wykeham.
No. 24. The canopy is of the same design as No. 19, but