INDEX. SOHEBSETSHIKE. Pottery found at Worle Hill, 96 ; chalice at Mark, 292 ; palstave found at South Petherton, 387. Spear-head, of bronze, found in Surrey, 8 ; found in Whittlesea Mere, 98 ; Irish, exhibited by Mr. Brackstone, 387 ; four-edged, in Mr. Bernhard Smith's collection, 388. Spoons, on ancient forms of, 301 ; of wood, finely carved, 306. Spur, brass, from Totnes, exhibited by Mr. Lyte, 98 ; Irish, in Mr. Brackstone's collection, 388. Squier, Mr., his account of American antiquities, 95. Stixwf)ld, inscription on tower of the church, 97. _ Stone, antiquities of, celt found in Wales, 11 ; disk, ib. ; flakes or chips, found in Wales, 92 ; singular objects from Honduras Bay, 97 ; celt found in Sur- rey, 194 ; fragment of axe-head found near Fleam Dyke, 229 ; maul-head found at Sunning Hill, 297 ; adze of jade, from New Zealand, 298 ; celt in Tower armory, 305. Stoneware, Flemish, fine specimens from the Huy vetf er collection, Ghent, 1 08 ; specimen, silver-mounted in England, in Mr. Franks' collection, 109. Stradling, Mr., exhibits a bronze lar, and antiquities from Somerset, 106. Strangways, Hon. W. F., exhibits a signet ring, 305 ; drawing of sculptm-e at Schwarzach, 388. Stylus, Roman, 230. Sudbury, enamelled vessel found there, 388. Suffolk. Roman bronze figure found at Barking Hall, 9 ; mirror case from Codden- ham, ib. ; gold ornament from Pal- grave, 107 ; proposed excavations at Stow Heath, 211 ; bronze celts and antiquities from Exning, &c., 303 ; enamelled vessel found at Sudbury, 388. Sunning Hill, stone maul found there, 297. Surnames, singular changes of, 181. Surrey. Bronze objects found near the river Wandle, 7 ; Roman remains at Ewell, 9 ; painted glass, from Guil- ford, 100 ; decade ring in Mr. Hoare's collection, 297 ; crosses, reliquaries, &.C., from Sutton Place, 306. Sussex. Roman remains found at Newhaven, 285 ; singular ball, found in an urn near Brighton, 336. Sword of bronze, found in Surrey, 7 ; in Caernarvonshire, 1 1 ; supposed repre- sentations of, on stones, in North Wales, 91, 92 ; in the Dover Museum, attributed to Cromwell, 305 ; of a Jacobite partizan, 306. T. Talbot de Malahide, the Lord, exhibits an Irish palstave, 194 ; elected President, 361 ; his appeal regarding Treasure Trove, 365, 377, 381 ; proposal of ex- hibition of antiquities at Dublin, 381, 396 ; exhibits Afghan bridle-bits, 388. Tankard, exhibited by Mr. Caton, 119. Thurnam, Dr. his proposed work on Crania, 212. Tiberius, bronze sword attributed to, 304. Tiles, Roman, found at Cirencester, 91 ; armorial pavement tiles from Witham, 195; pavement tiles from Harpenden, 297 ; from Monmouth, 298 ; publica- tion of Mediaeval Pavements, by Mr. Shaw, 210. Tokens, of lead, exhibited, 99 ; mould for casting, 303. Tore, silver, found near Kirby Ravensworth, 91. Tower Armory, armour, &c. from, ex- hibited : — helmet of Sir Richard de Abberbury, 93 ; winged burgonet, 292 ; Italian helmet, 305 ; stone celt, ib. ; Jacobite sword, and plug bayonet, 306. Treasure Trove, proceedings relative to, 365, 377, 381; proposed petition to Parliament, 377. Trevelyan, Sir Walter, Bart., exhibits silver plate, 306. TroUope, Mr., exhibits brooch from Caris- brook, 110. — Lieut. Col., exhibits escutcheon from Carisbrook, 200. Tucker, Mr., communicates discovery of stone moulds, in Devon, 185; sculp- tured head, from Dominican convent, Exeter, 187. Tumulus, near Fleam Dyke, opened by Hon. R. Neville, 226. Tunis, ornaments from, 90; vases of earthen- ware, 99. Turner, Rev. S. Blois, exhibits casts of German seals, 200. Tynemouth Abbey, precautions for its pre- servation, directed by Lord John Rus- sell, 365 ; excavations at, by Capt. Andrews, 367. Tyrone Abbey, And well, Hampshire, a cell to, 246. U. Urns, Celtic, from grave of Bronwen, 9 ; Roman, found at Woolwich, ib. ; from Holyhead, 12 ; found near Fleam Dyke, 228 ; containing a remarkable ball, found near Brighton, 336.