l():i unknown characters, 9 ; ancient remains in cavern at Berry Head, !)3; nioult'.s for castiii<; weapons, found, l)!o; sculptured head Ironi Grey Friars, Exeter, 187. DisliS, of stone, found in S. Wales, 1 1 ; in the Scilly isles, 96; of bronze, in Ireland, 388. DocuMEiNTS, Original, Consuetudinary of Winchester, G.'); bond by the Abbot of Winchconibe, 17!*; relatiufj to tlie use of tin in girdles, 280; relating to Irish Bishops, suttragans in England, IJ.58. Dominical Letter, remariiable table for finding, 389. Donaldson, Professor, on Tombs in West- minster Abbey, 194. Doors of cliurclies, ancient examples of metal, 3.50. Dorchester Abbey Church, memoir on, by Mr. Freeman, 158, 2G2, 329. DoilSETSHIUE. Roman urns found near Dorchester, 93; bronze ring-brooch, at Longljredy, 297; silver ring with merchant's mark, 305. Dover, Cromwellian sword in Museum, 305. Dryden, Sir H., his account of Kirkwall Cathedral, 197. Durham, visited by the Institute, 370. Dyeing, ancient materials for, 8G. E. Eastry, Kent, table there for finding the Dominical letter, 389. Effigies, sepulchral, in Oxford Cathedral, 151 ; fragment of, at Exeter, 187. See Bra.sses, and Slabs. Egyptian Antiquities, figure found at Swans- combe, 9; porcelain figures in Dr. Mantell's Museum, 9o"; drawings of mummy cases, &c., in the Gloucester Museum, 1.9. Embroidery, remarkable, at Soest, West- phalia, 188. Enamels, by Leonard Limosin, 109; Roman brooches, 195; escutcheon, found at Carisbrook, 200; Chinese, 298; casket of Limoges work, 30G ; do. remarkable, exhiljited by Mr. Webb, ib.; ciborium, found at Sudbury, 388; escutcheon, in Mr. W. J. Bernhard Smith's Collec- tion, ib. Essex. Armorial tiles from Witham, 195; plan of Castle Hedingham, 1 9G ; celts found at Romford, 302; Roman remains at Ashdon, 382 ; County Archaeological Society formed, 399. Evesham, Abbey seal, 200. Exeter, fragment of Samian ware found there, 9 ; sculptured head of an effigy, 187. Farnham, dedication of church there, 3.50. Fahukr, Mr., exliibits rcinarkabU' vases of Flemish stone ware, 108; linn's engraved case for a book, ib. ; Limoges enamel, 109; sword of Tiberius, 304; casket of Limoges enamel, 30(;. Faulkner, Mr., exhibits painted glass from U.xfordshire, 119; brasses of the Wash- ington family, ib. Fearon, Mr., exhibits reliquaries, crosses, &c., from Sutton Place, Surrey, 30(!. Fellows, Lady, exhibits a jewelled coronet, and Jewish ring, 98. FF0ULKh>i, Mr., notices of antiquities in N. Wales, 91 ; of markings on a cromlech near Barmouth, .')2; remarks on rc'^pect due to burial-places. 111; notice of a shoe, found in Caernarvonshire, 114. Fitch, Mr., cxhiliits rubbings of palimpsest brass, 98; impre.'^.sion of seal of Roger Bigoil, 297; inscribed brooch, ib.; seal found at Beigbton, Norfolk, 389. Flagon, used at the altar, '2U. Fleam Dyke, excavations at, by Hon. R. Neville, 226. Flints, chipped, found in early tombs, 227. Flint, javelin head, from Ireland, 387. Forbes, Mr., exhibits a stone maul, found at Sunning Hill, 297. Forrest, Mr., exhibits seal of Grey Friars, Cambridge, 99; remarkable chandelier, and metal- work, &c., ib.; cuir bouilli for knives, 120; enamelled tablet, 120; patron and table clock, ib. France. Memoir on Examples of Ecclesiastical Architecture, 59, 141; antiiiuities found near St. Omer, 97 ; sepulchral slabs at St. Quentin and Laon, 383. Franks, Mr., Memoir on Collections of British Antiquities, in British Museum, 7; notice of relics found near St. Omer, 97; signet ring, 109; Roman oculist's stamp, from St. Albans, 187; exhibits antiquities from Suffolk, 303; Cliinese seal in his collection, 388., Mr., exhibits ancient remains from Wilts, 98; communicates notices of Whitchurch, Somerset, 112; remarks on Architectural Nomenclature, ib. ; Memoir on Dorchester Abbey church, 158,2G2,329. Gawsworth, Cheshire, mural paintings there, 101. Germany. Bi'ooches, &c., similar to those of Sa.xon age, 180; ancient altar-cloth