INSTITUTE AT NEWCASTLE. The Central Committee desire to announce that the volume forming the eighth of the Annual Scries, and intended to comprise the principal me- moirs prepared for the meeting at Newcastle, will be published with the least possible delay. The subjects from which selection will be made for this volume include memoirs on the Vestiges of the Earlier Periods in the counties of Northumberland and Durham, as shown in the maps prepared by Mr. Henry Turner and Mr. W. Hylton Longstatfe, which will form a valuable contribution to the ancient geography of Britain ; dissertations on primaeval and Roman remains, by the Rev. W. Greenwcll, Mr. Tate, and Rev. J. C. Bruce ; on the "Limes Transrhenanus," the great barrier between the Danube and the Rhine, of much local importance as compared with the Roman wall in Northumberland, and of which detailed examination was made by the author, Mr. Yates, preliminary to the meeting in the North ; memoirs on the state of Newcastle in Saxon times, and on the ancient trade of that town, by Mr. Hodgson Ilinde ; on the archaeology of the coal trade, by Mr. T. J. Taylor, and on ancient lead workings in the North, by Mr. Sopwith. The Barony and Castle of Alnwick has been un- dertaken by Mr. Hartshorne, whose memoir will be largely illustrated, through the encouraging liberality of the Duke of Northumberland, Patron of the Meeting at Newcastle. The numerous illustrations presented by his Grace are already in preparation. Amongst other subjects of nmch general as well as local interest, may be enumerated Durham Cathedral, by the Rev. James Raine ; examples of Saxon architecture in the county of Durham, by Mr. Hylton Longstatfe ; Brinkburn Priory ; the ancient topography of Newcastle ; Tynemouth Priory ; Warkworth ; the Pre- ceplory of Chibburn, &c. AH persons who may desire to possess this volume are requested to send their names to the secretaries as subscribers, without delay, since the number of copies printed will be limited, and the amount of illustrations given must, in great measure, depend upon the encouragement shown by the number of subscribers. Subscribers' names are received at the Apartments of the Institute, and in Newcastle by Mr. G. Bouchier Richardson, Clayton Street. George Vulliamy, Secretary. Apartments of the Institute, 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall.