little Montre d'Abha^.^r, date about 1550, a silver heart, enclosini; part of the pericanliiun of King^ James II. ; a silver pendant, representincj the chapel of Loretto, removed by angels ; several Papal medals, including the Jubilee Medals of Innocent XII. and Benedict XIV., both of silver ; also an oval silver-gilt Medallion of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria ; under the bust of the latter, — T. RAWLINS F. This curious assemblage of objects of various periods is in the possession of .lohn J. Webbe Weston, Esq., the representative of the ancient family of Sutton Place. At the close of the meeting, the Town Clerk of Newcastle, John Clayton, Esq., a gentleman well known to Archasologists through his extensive and successful investigations of the Roman stations on his estates, on the great Northern Wall, took occasion to address the meeting. He expressed in most cordial terms the assurance of the interest with which the visit of the Institute was anticipated in Northumberland, and he desired to tender the pledge of a very hearty welcome, in a district where their attention would be arrested by vestiges of such a varied and highly interesting character. The President then closed the proceedings of the Session, by adjournment to the ancient Town of Newcastle. The Report of the Proceedings at the Newcastle Meeting is unavoidably deferred to the next Number of the Journal. The volume of Transactions on that occasion is in a forward state of preparation, and will be produced with the least possible delay. All persons desirous to possess this volume are requested to forward their names as subscribers, to the Secretaries, without delay, as the number of copies printed will be limited, and regulated by the number of persons disposed to give encouragement to its publication. Subscribers' names will also be received at Newcastle by Mr. G. Bouchier Richardson, Clayton Street.