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The monks obtained a charter of confirmation of all the above-mentioned property from Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, or from Thomas a Becket, his successor/ The next benefactor to the Priory was Sybilla de Albigneio, widow of Roger de Port, who with the consent of her sons, Adam and Henry, and others not named, on the first anniversary of the death of her husband, made the following grant to the monks. Sciant omnes Sc'e eccl'ie presentes et futuri fideles, quod Sibilla uxor Rogerii de Port dedit deo, et Monachis de Tyrun apud Enedewell habitantibus virgatam terre apud Bradefort pro ai'a Rogerii sponsi sui, hominesque eandem terram tenentes, Eterni no'ie. Et ita liberam et quietam dedit ut ipsa habebat ; et ut homo monachorum pasturam liberam et quietam suis bestiis habeat : Hec autem donatio facta est in die primi anniversarii ejusdem Rogerii de Port : Quod donum concesserunt filii ejus, Adam scilicet et Henricus et omnes aUi : Adam apud Bradefort ; Henricus vero et alii apud Enedewell : Hujus autem doni sunt testes, qui viderunt et audierunt, Joh'es de Port : fil : Hen : de Port, Hugo de Arundel, et alii : Sessitionis autem terre hujus apud Bradefort sunt testes, qui viderunt et audierunt, Alueredus Presbyter, et alii, et omnis Halimot de Bradefort : Hanc autem sessitionem recepit Hugo parvus de curva valle missus a Galterio Britello, qui tunc temporis erat prior de Enedewell, et a fratribus cum eo degentibus, &c. This lady also gave them a virgate of land at Andwell, and the manse of Ernald Palmar at Bercheley, in exchange for the land at Winchester "super le broc," her two sons consenting thereto. Her son Adam wdth the consent of his mother and brother gave to the church of Tyrone a place called Mucclefort, and twenty-three acres under the hill (sub duno) and forty upon it, of his demesne of Bradford, and other lands there, and the church of Bradford, for the soul of their Father Roger, who was buried at Tyrone : The same Adam also confirmed to them the church of Ernlee, " quam quidcm ecclesiam Adam de Port avus mens et pater mens Rogerus, pro anima regis Henrici, eisdem Monachis multo ante dederunt et concesserunt." Among the names of ' A.D. 1139 to 11 Gl. given, thus, T. dei gratia Archep'us Cant. ' In Arch. Coll. Wiuton. It is not ct Ajiostolice sedis legatus, which title posHil.li; t<ยป dotorinine to which of these belonged to both, and there are no wit- prelates this charter should be assigned, nesses. for only the initial letter of the name is

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