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ijHliite aiiiiiuiruni patris et nuitris inciL", iieciion })io salute mea, et predecef-sorum meorum, vii. libratas et xiiii soliclatas tcrre in Natelega, quas dedcrat Adam dc Port, dc d'nio iiieo in cscanibiuni illius terre, quani Adam de Port eis dederat, in vallc que dicitur Arga ; sicut ipse Adam dc Port in prcscntia mea concessit et dedit : Cetcros etiam redditus et consuetudines, qiios idem Adam predictis Monacliis in elemosinam dedit, ego quoque regal i liberalitatc concede ; in villa videlicet, quie dicitur jVIaple- drewella, mansuram t're, quam Kann' Carpentarius prius possederat, et dominicam ipsius Ade pasturam, que secus eandeni mansuram est : Concede etiam, sicut Adam concedit, ut dominicum bladum monacliorum ad Molendinum Ade, quod in eadem villa est, sine omni molitura vel aliqua alia consuetudine molatur : In bosco preterea de Mappedr'ell concede, ut predicti Monaclii liabeant porcos sues d'nicos onmino quietos, sicut done Ade ibidem sunt quieti ; banc enim consuetudinem Adam, sicut cetera, dedit eis : Quas nimirum donationes ejus uxor ejus " et filii concesserunt : Et volo, et precipio, ut in pace, et honore, et quiete semper possideant : T : Bernardo ^ E'po de Sc'o David, et Joh'e Baioc : et Roberto Comite de Glouc', &c., apud Udestoc. The next benefactor to the monks of Andwell was Roger de Port, son of the last mentioned Adam, who gave them his land in Winchester " super le broc ; " his wife, Sjbilla, and Adam, his son, and Hugh his brother, being consenting parties to the grant. Pie gave also to the monks the mill, and the miller of Andwell, and a virgate of land pertaining to the mill ; and all the chattels, and the tithe of the mill, once held by the monks of Shirebourne, who received an annual payment of 2s. in lieu tliereof, by the grant of Henry de Port. He also gave them a virgate of land at Mapel- durvvell ; and the church of Stratton, w^ith a virgate of land belonging thereto, which grant was coniirmed by Joccline^ Bishop of Sarum ; the churches of Hinton and Bradford, confirmed to them by the same bishop, and given by Adam de Port ; and the place where the chapel of St. Nicholas was founded. Henry de Port also had given them four acres of his wood of Fernell, and a meadow there. ^ In the original grant of Adam de Port * A.D. 11 42 to 1 1 84. The witnesses to his wife is called Sil)illa, and his sons the continnatiou were Henry the Dean, Roger, William, and Hugh. Ex MS^. and the Cliapter of Sarum. Ex. MS.^. Coll. Winton. See Table, p. 2(il. Coll. Wintoii. This Henry was clec-ted ? A.D. 1113 to 1147. Bishop of Bayeux, A.D. 11(J5.

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