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kingdom will be thankfully received. The results will be recorded in the periodical publication of the Institute. Contributions may be remitted to the Treasurer, Mr. S. Tymms, Bury St. Edmund's.

An undertakinor of a novel and interestini^ character, as auxiliary to the investii-ation of the early history of the British islands, has been announced by Dr. Thurnam, in concert with Mr. J. Barnard Davis. It is proposed to publish privately, by subscription, a series of Crania, or delineations of the skulls of the aboriginal inhabitants, and of the races immediately succeed- in"- them. The value of these relics, submitted to scientific comparison, has hitherto been too little considered, as regards the information which niav thence be derived in Ethnographical enquiries. The work will be produced in fasciculi, of ten lithographic plates each, accompanied by full descriptions of the antiquities which accompanied each interment, and the circumstances connected with the discovery, indicative of the period to which it should be assigned. It will doubtless comprise the results of various interesting investigations in the North of England, conducted under Dr. Thurnam's immediate direction. Persons who may be disposed to encourage the proposed publication, should communicate their names to Dr. Thurnam, at Devizes. Mr. T. Dutfus Hardy, Ave are informed, has in a forward state of prepa- ration an enlarged and corrected edition of Le Neve's Fasti, long a desi- deratum to the historian and tlie antiquary. Mr. Hardy proposes to append a list of Suffragan Bishops, formed on the materials collected by Wharton, and published by Pegge in the " Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica." He would thankfully accept an^^ information connected with this important undertaking, which those persons who may have access to chapter muni- ments, or other sources of information, may be disposed to communicate to him, at the Record Office, Tower. The Annual Meeting of the Sussex Archaeological Society will take place at Battle Abbey, by Lady Webster's kind invitation, on July 22d. The Annual Meeting of the Cambrian Archaeologists will be held at Ludlow, under the Presidency of Lord Clive, in the latter part of August. The Annual Meeting of the Institute, to be held this year, under the patronage of Ilis Grace the Duke of Northumberland, at Newcastle, will coinincnce on Tuesday, Aug. 24, It is requested that all persons who may have Memoirs in preparation, or propose to exhibit any antiquities, &;c., on this occasion, will communicate with the secretaries without delay.

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