Meyler, Rev. T., Marlborough. Meynell, Godfrey, Esq., Langley, Derby. Midwinter, Rev. N., Winchester. Miles, WiUiam, Esq., Dix's-fields, Exeter. Miles, Rev. T., Stockton, Wilts. Milward, A., Esq , Upton House, Bitten. Mitchell, J. M., Esq , Leith. Miuty, R. G. P., Esq., 3, New-square, Lin- coln's-inn. Mooly, Rev. H. R., M.A., Chartham. Moody, J. J. P., Esq., Scarborough. Moor, Rev. A. P., St. Augustin's Coll., Can- terbury. Moore, Joseph, Esq., Lincoln. Morgan, Octavius, Esq., M.P., 9, Pall Mall. Morris, Rev. John, D.D., Elstree, Herts. MoRTARA, THE Cou.xT, Oxford. Morton, Rev. J., B.D., Holbeach, Moultrie, Gerard, Esq., Exeter Coll., Oxford. Mundy, Wm., Esq., Markeatou Hall, Derby. Munn, Rev. G., Cradley, Hereford. Murchison, Sir R. I., K.S.S , 16, Belgrave- square. Mure, P., Esq., Shirley Cottage, Croydon. Murray, John, Esq., Albemarle sti-eet. Murray, Patrick, Esq., Meigle, N.B. Musgrave, Ven. Archdeacon, D.D., Halifax. Mylne, Robert, jun., Esq., Carlton-chambers, Regent-street. Northampton, the Marquis of. Norwich, the Lord Bishop of. Nairne, Rev. Charles, Preb. of Lincoln. Nasniyth, Sir John AL, Bart., Brighton. Nelson, W. B., Esq., 11, Esse.x-street. Nelson, T. iL, Esq., Chai-les-st., St. James's. Nesbitt, A., Esq., 9, Oxford-square. Nethercote, H. O., Esq., Moultou Grange, Northamptonshire. Newman, Edw., Esq., Barnsley, York. Neville, Hon. R., F.S.A., Audley End. Newton, Colonel, K.IL, United Service Club. Newton, C, Esq., ALA., British Museum. Niblett, Thomas, Esq., Haresfield-court, Gloucestershire. Nichol, Fred. I., Esq., 32, Bentinck-street. Nieholay, Rev. C. J., King's Coll., London. Nichols, John Bowyer, Esq., F.S.A. Nichols, John Gough, Esq., F.S.A. Nicholson, Jas., Esq., F.S.A., Thelwall Hall, Warrington. , Nicholson, Geo. S., Esq., Doctors' Commons. i Nicol, W., Esq., Pall Mall. Nightingale, James E., Esq., W^ilton. j Noble, John, Esq., F.S.A., 90, Gloucester- place. Noble, George J. L., Esq., 3, Tavistock-place. Nokes, John, Esq., 74, Guildford-street. Oxford, the Lord Bishop of, F.R.S., F.S.A. Oakes, H. P., Esq., Bury St. Edmunds. Okes, Rev. Richard, Eton College. Oldfield, Edm., Esq., M.A., British Museum. Oldham, Thomas, Esq., Trin. Coll., Dublin. Oldham, John Lane, Esq., Audley End. Oliver, James, Esq., Notting-hill. Ollard, Rev. J. H., F.S.A., St. John's, Rugby. i Ordish, F. W., Esq., 9, John-street, Adelphi. Orford, C. W., Esq., King's Norton, Wor- I cester. Ormerod, Geo., Esq., Sedbury-park, Chepstow. Osburn, Wra., Esq., Chenies, Bucks. Otter, Rev. W., Cowfold, Sussex. Outram, B. F., Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., 1, Hanover-square. Ouvry, F., Esq., F.S.A., 49, O.xford-terrace. Oxley, Dr., Leeds. Palmerston, the Viscount, Carlton Gardens. Papillon, Rev. John, F.S.A., Lexden, Essex. Palmer, C. J., Esq., F.S.A., Great Yarmouth. Parker, John IL, Esq., Oxford. Parkinson, John, Esq., 24, Earrs-teiTace. Patmore, C, Esq., British Museum. Pattrick, C. G. H., Esq., Worcester. Patterson, Rev. James L., Trin. Coll., Oxford. Peach, Rev. J. J., Holme Pierpoint, Notts. Pearson, Sir Edwin, F.R.S., 7, Chester-ter- race, Regent's Park. Pearson, Frederick, Esq ,131, Piccadilly. Pearson, John L., Esq , 31, Keppel-strcct. Peckitt, Henry, Esq., Thirsk. Peckover, William, Esq., F.S.A., ^^'isbeach. Pegge,Jno., Esq., Newton Heath, Manchester. Pemberton, Rev. R., F.S.A., Church Stretton. Penrose, F. C, Esq., 4, Trafalg.or-square. Penson, R. Kyrke, Esq., Oswestry. Perkins, A. E., Esq., Worcester. Peterdoroigh, Very Reverend the Dean of. Petit, Louis H., Esq , Lincoln's-inn.