INDEX. Rothwell, Lincolnsliii e, sepulchi'al cist at 195. Roiuid towers of churclies in Sussex, 139. S. Saints, ancient portraitures of, St. Alphege, 145; St. Gregory, 192; St. Lucy and St. Ursula, 211. Salisbury, rejjort of annual meeting at, 297- Samiau ware, fomid at Chesterford, 15, 19; at Lamel Hill, York, 36 ; Cataracto- nium, 81 ; imitation of, found in Suffolk, 181, 210. Sampford Peverel, church and tombs de- scribed, 185. Sandford, Oxfordshire, bronze chasing found at, 412. Saxon architecture, notice of remains in Norfolk, 359 ; head-stones at Wensley, Yorkshire, 289. Sceatta, found at Weycock, Berks, 120. Scharf, Mr. G., his illustrations of the man- ners and customs of the Greeks, 422. Scotland, Gold armillse found at Largo, 53 ; rings found at Flodden and Dim- fermliue, 58 ; gold ornaments from Dumfriesshire, &c., ib. ; silver chain, &c., from Inchkenneth, 72 ; ancient monuments of Angus, noticed, 86 ; museum of Antiquaries of Scot- land, 191,201,209; singular bronze ewei's found in Annandale, 285 ; me- morials of Edinburgh, by Daniel Wilson, 201 ; Baronial and Ecclesi- astical Antiquities of, by R. W. Bil- ling, noticed, 417. Scott, Antiquarian Gleanings by, noticed, 212. Screens, painted, in churches of eastern counties, 67. Sculpture, at Stanley St. Leonard, 44 ; St. Nicholas', Ipswich, 76 ; monuments of Angus, 86 ; of tooth of walrus, 170 ; Norman, at Hovingham, Yorkshire, 1 89 ; Stoke Charity, Hants, the mass of St. Gregory, 192 ; at Kilmore, Cavan, 289. Seal, of chapel of Morton Folliot, Worces- ter, 25 ; of chantry of Mettingham, Suffolk^ 68 ; Jorweilh, son of Madoc, 73, 296 ; St. Leonard's hospital, St. Nicholas' and statute merchant, Wor- cester, 73 ; Simon Guiville, Chancellor of Paris, 73 ; Henry le Callcre, 77 ; Thomas de Prayers and Barth. Edrich, ib.; Irish seals, 95 ; Corvesors of Ox- ford, 159 ; Thomas Dene, Prior of St. James's, Exeter, 1 81 ; Dean and Chap- ter of Lichfield, 188 ; Liverpool, 189 ; Italian seals, in possession of Rev. Joseph Hunter, 199 ; found at Ter- rington, Norfolk, ib. ; Milton's silver seal, ib. ; Pilton Priory, Devon, 210 ; of William, son of Richard de Wald', 282 ; of Adam Bretel, 291 ; of Coyn- raet Van Kampe, found in Dorset, 292; seal representing St. Laurence, found at Somerton, Oxfordshire, ib. ; of the Grammar School, Rolleston, Stafford- shire, ib. ; found at Kirkby Mallory, with device of pelican, 403 ; found at Cambridge, ib.; seals of the Corporar tion of Harlech, of William le Banas- ter, Col. Owen, and other Welsh seals, ib.; several foreign seals, from Nevill Holt, ib.; seals in collection of Mr. Greville Chester, 405 ; matrix of jet, found at Warke, Northumberland, ib. ; other seals formed of jet, 406 ; of the Port and Corporation of Dover, 412 ; of Reinald de Tiwe, 413 ; of the Chap- ter of Emly, ib. ; set with antique intaglios, 435. Sedgeberrow church, Gloucester, noticed, 42. Sediha, at Sedgeberrow church, 42. Sennaar, gold ring-money from, 56. Sepulchral slabs, manual by Rev. E. Cutts, noticed, 315. , with symbol of shears, 80, 406; at Bebington, Cheshire, 414. Sepulchral antiquities. See Effigies, Tu- viuli, d-c. Tumular cemetery at Lamel Hill, York, 27, 123 ; Roman cists at S win ton, Yorkshire, 46 ; tumulus ^t Claughton Hall, Lancashire, 74 ; pub- lications relating to, 90, 99, 315 ; in- terments of remarkable character at Lagore, co. Meath, 101 ; Roman tomb at Geldestone, Suffolk, 109 ; inter- ments at Weycock, Berks, 121 ; cata- combs in the Crimea, 261 ; tumuli near Kirkby Ravenswoi-th, 342 ; effigy at Minster, Sheppey, 351, &c. Sergeanty, petty, notices of, 240. Services, manorial, 240. Shears, or scissors, symbol on sepulchral slabs at Keighley, 80 ; remarks on, by Mr. C. Long and Mr. Fairless, ib. ; examples from Greystoke,&c.,406,414. Shells, found in Irish tumuli, 102. , Sheppey, Isle of, efiigy found at Minster, described, 351. Shield, portions of silver, supposed coating of, found at Largo, 256 ; bronze cover- ings of, found in the Thames, 411. Shorcham church, Sussex, noticed, 145. Shrewsbury, the Earl, lion-shaped ewer of bronze in his collection, 286. Silbiu-y Hdl, excavations there, 306, 395. Silver ornaments, found at Inchkenneth, 72; at Largo, Fifeshire, 248. Siward How, Yorkshire, 27. Srairke, Mr. E., remarks on obsciire words