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447 Inciscil cross-slabs, at Oonalston church, Notts. 8; at Valle Crucis Abbey, IT.'S; at Greystoke church, Cumberland, 178 ; Wensley church, Yorkshire, 289. Infants, in Roman times, their corpses not burned. 21. Iiikhorn and ])cmicr, representation of, on a sepulchral brass, 413. Insects, found iilive in ancient interments, 232. Interment, modes at various periods, 125. lona, crosses at, 88. Ipswich, St. Nicholas' church, sculptures at, 76. Irel. d, antiquities of. Gold armillsc and rings, found in, 52, 58; crescent-shaped ornaments, 57 ; ring tibulte, 70; crosses and sculp- tured monuments, noticed, 88; arms and remains found at Lagore, county Meath, 101 ; bells or crotala found, 182, n. ; urn foiind in county Cork, 191; engraved celt in county Tip- perary, 410; chapter seal of Emlv, 413, — , Kilkenny Archaeological Societj-, proceedings of, 95, 317, 436. 1 ron age, of ancient remains, definition of, 107. Ivory, car-ings m, 407 ; beautiful triptvch exhibited by Mr. Webb, 415. J. .Tames I., his watch, made by Ramsay, ex- hibited, 415. Jarvis, Rev. Edwin, notice of his discoveries in a tumulus at Caeuby, 396 ; sepul- chral cross found at Hackthom church, communicated by, 400; remarks on ancient site of a town, called "West Firsby, ib. Jknner, Rev. S., antiquities from Clare castle, exhibited by, 189. Jet, seal foi'inctl of, found at Warke, Nor- thumberland, exhibited, 405 ; other examples of jet seals, 406. Jetty, arfcient, discovered near Westminster bridge, notices of, 71. .loxEs, Mr. J. Winter, notices of antiquities found at Kcrtch. iji the Crimea, 259. , Mr. Michael, discovery of antiquities at Claiighton Hall, Lancashire, com- municated by, 74 ; notice of Scandina- vian collections at Copenhagen, 75. , Rev. H. Longuevillc, on the discovery of Roman remains in ^lontgoinery, on the sujijioscd site of Medioianum, 399. Jorwertli, son of Madoc, his seal presented by the Rev. H. Owen, 73 ; representa- tion of the seal, 296. -, father of Llewelyn the Great, his tomb described, 414. K. Keighley family in Yorkshire, their monu- ments, 78. Kendrick, Dr., common seal of Liverpool communicated by, 189. Kent. Leaden font in Brookland church, 159; keys found at Dovor, 97 ; coi-pora- tiou seals of Dovor, 412. Kent, Mr. T., notice of remains of pottery in Cornwall, 81. Kerrich, Mr. J., Roman remains found on his estates in Norfolk, 109. Kertch, in the Crimea, notice of the cata- combs at, 259. Kew Stoke, Somerset, discovery of a mural reliquarj- at, 400. Kew, St., his steps, on coast near Weston- super-Mare, 401. Keys, Roman, found at Chosterford, 16 ; found at Dovor, now in Mr. Deck's collection, 97 ; at Hereford, 1 99. Kilkenny Archaeological Society, instituted, 95; proceedings of, 317, 436. Kirkby Ravensworth, Yorksliire, remains near, 342. Kirk Oswald, sepulchral slab at, 406. Kirkstall Abbey, chess-piece found at, 170. Kirkstead Abbey, view of, presented by Mr. Disney, 77. Kirtland, Cambridgeshire, diinking-glass and spice-mill from, 416. Knife-handles of bone and bronze, fomid at Chesterford, 188, 198. Knife, British, as supposed, for flaj^ing animals. 409. Knight of XlVtli centun-, bronze figure of, fouijd at Poi)hani, Hants, 1 94. of XVth centuiy, effigy of, at Minster, described, 352. Lagore, co. Meath, memoir on weapons and remains found at, by the Hon. .]. Talbot, 75. 101. Lamel Hill, York, memoir on a tumular cemetery at, by Dr. Thurnam. 27, 123; skeletons found in, 33 ; nrn discovered in, 36, 123; coffins of wood boimd with iron, found, 132 ; supposed to be a burial-place of the Anglo-Saxon age. 135. Lamps, antique, in Mr. Disney's Museum, S5. Lancashire. Tumulus containing Aveapons and orna- ments, near Claughton Hall, 74. Lancashire and Chcshii-e, historic society of, 97. Landseer, Ml"., his views of Garianonum exhibited, 287.

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