443 Crauia, their value in distinguishing races and periods, 127. nieasiirenient of, from Anglo-Saxon tumulus, 34, 128, 13G. Cremation, not used for infants in Roman times, 21. not universal in the iron period, 107 ; disused by Cliristian Saxons, ]'.i'6. whether practised in Ireland,! y 2. Crimea, catacombs at Kertch, 259. Cromlech, at Barton, Oxfordshii-e, de- stroyed, 290. Cross, on Samian ware, SI. Cross-slabs, sepulchral, at (Joualston, 7. ■ ■ at Keighley, 78. ■ Bishopston, Sussex, 1 SO. Thorp Arch, Yorkshire, 194; Hackthorn, Lincolnshire, 400 ; Manual for study of cross-slabs, by Kev. E. L. Cutts, 315 ; slab, at Greystock, 406 ; at Kirk Oswald, ib. Cross, at Wensley, Yorkshire, 289. Cross-legged effigies, at Gonalston, 9. at Sampford Peverel, Devon, 185. Mr. Cinicibles, supposed, presented by Blayds, 72. Ci-ucifix, processional, exhibited, 74. Cumberland. Gold arndet, found at Aspatria, 59. Ring- fibula, near Penrith, 70. Sculptured crosses, 87. Cunobelin, coin of, 20. Cuthbcrt's, St., church, at Wells, rei-edos found at, 28;i. CuTTS, Rev. E. L., manual for study of sepulchral slabs, &c., noticed, 315 ; exhibits rubbings and brasses from Westerham, 414. D. Daggers, found near Westminster Bridge, 71. Danish antiquities, supposed, 74, 108. Darlington, annals of, by Mr. Hylton Longstatl'c, notice of, 98. Davis, Majoh, memoir on churches near Brecon, 409. Deddiugton, Oxfordshire, occurrences at, during the Civil Wars, 179. Delvogitia, Roman station of, 28. Dene, Thos., Prior of St. James's, Exeter, his seal, -1 81 . Denmai-k, early influence of, amongst the Irish, 108. DEunYsniiu:. Sepulchral brasses at DiU'ley, 19G. Devonshihi:. Notice of Sampford Peverel church, 185 ; sketches of Plympton St. Mary, 190: seal of Pilton Abbey, 210 : documents relating to Dart Moor, lt")4. 1()8. Dialect, Leicestershire glossary, noticed, 310. Dike, ancient, between the Tees and the Swale, 221. Dishes, of latton, inscribed, cxhiljited and classed, by Mr. .Alorgan, 295. Disney, tombs of the loids of Norton Disney, 77. DisNEiANUM Museum, notice of, S3. Disney, John, Esq., Roman urns in his museum, 77 ; remarks on seal and bust of John Milton, 199. Diota of glass, found at Geldestone, 110. Dixon, Mr., exhibits antiquities from Ivirkstall Abbey, 170. Documents, Original, relating to Mettiug- ham College, Suffolk, 62; grant by William deHeryghes, 280, 416 ; relating to Cornwall, 393 ; communicated by Mr. W. W. Wynne, 394. Dolabi-a, supposed synonymous with celt, 363. Dolman, JMr., his account and drawings of reredos, in St. Cuthbcrt's church, Wells, 283. Doorway, Norman, at St. Margaret's, York, 164. remarkable one at Kilmoro, co. Cavan, 289. Dorsetshire. Gold rings found, 56 ; celt-mould, 384. Dovor, St. Martin's Prioiy, singular material used in building, 97 ; corporation seals, 412. DoTiham, Norfolk, gold armilla found, 52. Dripstone, sculptured, at (fonalston, 11. Droitwich, Roman antiquities found, jire- sented by Mr. Alhes, 404. Dundas, of Arniston, Mi-., gold armillaj in his possession, 53 ; account of disco- vei'ies at Lai-go, Fifeshirc, 75, 248. Dunham, Great, Norfolk, notice of the church, 362. Duke, Rev. E., celt-mould in his museum, 384. Du Noyer, Mx-. G., his classification of celts noticed, 363 ; commimicates seal of Emly, Ireland, 413. Dunston, Norfolk^ mould for chalice-shaped ornaments found, 78, 182. DCUHAM. Vessels, supposed for Alchemy, fovmd near, presented by Mr. Blayds, 73. Camp at Pierse Bridge described, 217. Earthwoi'ks, at Stanwick, York.shire, de- scribed, 213, 335. Easby Abbey, screen-work from, at Wens- ley, 289. Edrich, BartholomoNv. seal of, 77- EnrxBURoii. Mk.moriaix ok, in tiie olden time, bv Mr. Wilson, notice of, 201.