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^rt&neological JntdligEnte.

Cambkidge ANTiQUAniAX Society, Dec. 3, 1849. The Rev. Professor CoRRiE, President, in the Chair. A letter was read from Mr. A. W. Franks, upon Medieval Seals formed of Roman intaglios, with a modern inscription or motto surrounding them. He especially noticed a seal of the Church of Durham, set with a fine head of Jupiter, bearing the inscription — CAPUT SANCTI OSWALDI REGIS, and having on the reverse a cross and the surrounding legend, SIGILLVM CUDBERHTI PRESVLIS SCT.' Also, the seal of Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury, a.d. 1244, on which four small intaglios were placed, two on each side of the figure. Also, several others of minor interest. Mr. C. C. Babixgton exhibited a sketch of a Saracenic arch, separating the nave from the chancel of Garway Church, Herefordshire, and called attention to the fact that this church was built by the Knights Templars, and thus accounted for the introduction of so oriental a feature into an English Church. Professor Willis remarked that he did not remember a similar instance in England ; that he believed the arch to be truly of Saracenic type, and that it was not to be found except in places where that people had had influence. Mr. Babixgton also directed attention to some recently uncovei-ed sculptures on the chancel arch and east wall of the nave of Rollestone Church, Herefordshire, resembling in some respects those of Kilpeck Church, in that county. He suggested that the appearance of a cross patee in the hands of two of the figures might lead to the idea that this church had been erected under the influence of the Templars of the neighbouring Preceptory at Garway, such a cross being the badge of that order of knights. Drawings of these sculptures have been made for the Archaeological Institute, and will be immediately forwarded to that society. We are informed that Mr. Babington's researches, aided by Mr. Arthur Taylor, have been successful in determining the site of the Roman station at Grahtchester, which had not been accurately ascertained. He proposes shortly to bring the subject before the Society. Sussex Arch.eological SociEtY. — At a meeting held at Brighton, Dec. 6, several interesting communications were received ; comprising a memoir oh the Lewknor family, by Mr. Durrant Cooper ; an account of the church and ancient rectory house at West Dean, near East Bourne, by the Rev. G. M. Cooper; views and memorials of Amberley castle, and the " Queen's Room," by Miss Bradford and the Rev. G. Clarkson; memoirs on testamentary evidences, relating to Sussex families, by Mr. Lower ; and on the curious services rendered by the customary tenants ' An impression is appended to a deed in tlie Augmentiition Office, dated 1448. See an engraving ot this seal in the new edition of the Moiiasticon, vol. i., pi. 3.

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