from two original documents, of different dates — though now fastened together, and forming one roll — in which this word occurs : " Memoranda de terris jnidatis per Gruff'ut ap Avon, in Villa de Penniarth, Comoto de Talj^bont, et primo de terris quod vocatur (sic), Maes Penniarth et Br^'u y vroches, et omnes terras siluas aquas et prata (sic) hiis terris annexatas et pertinentes, prout alias fuerunt in manu Dauid Vychan ap Gruffut ap Jeuan. Appridauit in manu de dicto Dauid, pro vijZ. pre manibus solutis, dicto Dauid iiil. et Gruffut Derwas iiij/., a festo sancti Michaelis anno Regni P^egis Henrici quinti post conquestum quarto, vsque ad quattuor annos, et sic de quattuor annis in quattuor, quosque dictus Dauid heredes sui vel sui assignati salverent (sic) et satisfacerent dicto Gruffut de dictis vij libris, heredibus suis vel suis assignatis. Item si dictus Gruffut, vel heredes, vel sui assignati, edificaverint super dictas terras, vsque valorem xls. quod dictus Dauid, heredes sui, vel sui assignati, soluant et satisfaciant de xls, dicto Gruffut, heredibus suis, vel suis assignatis, et non vltra." '• Item dictus Gruffut ap Aron soluit seu appridauit, de Dauid Vychan, xiijs. md. super tenementum quod vocatur Erw Eignion cum annexis et pertinentiis." " Memoranda de diuersis terris & tenementis impignoratis per Rys ap Gruffut ap Avon pro diuersis pecuniis pre manibus a dicto Rys numeratis ad festum Sancti Michaelis Anno Regni Regis Henrici Sexti post con- questum, xx". "In priniis dedit Hoell ap Jeuan Vychan xxxiij.s. myl. in prida super tenementum vocatum tydyn bach yn y waen, in villa de Rytcryw, cum omnibus pertinentiis, liberandum ad festum Michaelis ad terminum iiij. annorum, & sic de iiij. annis in iiij annos, quos que predicti xxxiijs. iiijof. ad Rys persoluat, &c." It seems evident, from the above extracts, that pirida signified a pledge or mortgage of land, and prido and apprido to take land in mortgage. Another word has occurred to me as found in records relating to the County of Monmouth, which I have not observed elsewhere in the sense which I believe it to bear in them. It is indictatorum — I have not seen it in any other case than the genitive plural — "Nomina indictatorum in Comitatu Merioneth, tempore Johannis de la Pole, Justiciarii domini Principis in Comitatu predicto, a festo translationis Sancti Thome Martyris, Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi vj^"., vsque " Hardelech — Grifl&th ap Madoc ap Edeneved, Enion ap Griffith ap Llewelyn," &c. " Nomina Indictatorum " (as above) " in Sessione Comitatu Merioneth, tento apud Hardelech, die lune, proxime ante festum Sancti Augustini Episcopi, Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi nono. " Merioneth — Jeuan ap Mereditli, Abbas de Cumheir," &c. It would at first sight seem to every one, that these are lists of the persons indicted at the sessions to which they refer, but upon examination, the names contained in them appear to be those only of the principal gentry and landowners of the county. I am inclined to think, therefore, that indictatorum, is the genitive of a substantive — indictator — an indictator, (an indicter,) and that the lists are of the Grand Jury.