of one of these dinners, which, althongh curious in itself, is still more curious when considered as an illustration of the voluntary s^'stem ; for at the very time the individual giving it was feasting the craft " of his o^vn free will, without any provocacyon of any man whatsoever," pecuniary difficulties compelled him to offer a surety to the Guild, to secure to them the payment of ten shillings at the next Michaelmas twelvemonth. M^ that Wyllyam sayll had made hys prayr the xvj day of aguste the xiiij yeer of the Rene of kyng henre the viij & he hase brogge in hij* iiij of Rede monay & John coper ys surte {i.e., surety) to paye to the sayd crafte at syent mychell tyde com a twelmond next afte"" the date of thys wrytyng — x^ furthyer to be thay for sowrun ; (to be therefore swornj.* The above is the memorandum of Mr. Sayll's admission, the following is that of his dinner, the particulars of which are recorded in a vacant part of page 21, Book A. Itm for y** profer off W, Sayll It in brede . . . . ix It In ayll ij' Itlupyggys ij; iiij It In gys (geese) . . . . . . . ii* It kapoiis iiij' ij'* It In leggj'S of moton ....... x It In maiybons ....... ij It In flowere viijd It In kreme i'j It In melke ^^ij'^ Itm In suatt ij ob It In Tvette (wheat) iiij'^ It all maner of px spyes (picked spices ?) . . . ij'* It collys viijJ It cokys waggys (wages) . . . • • xij^* It for turnyng of y" broche (spit) . . • ■ ij'^ It for lame' xx^ It for eggys and boter . . . • • • vij These, however, were but occasional festivals. The annual dinner must have always been a matter of some little diffi- culty on account of the expense ; for there is an order of Oct. 25th, 1585 (27 Eliz.), that the master should, upon his first election, pay xxs., and the second time vi.9. Yuid.,* while 2 A. 86. may liave been entertaining liis guesta 3 This woi'd is blotted, and the reailing with lammas lamb, given is doubtful. If correct, Mr. Sayll * B. 91. vol.. VI. O