sufficient to raise the necessary supplies ;* the only assist- ance they are recorded to have received in the work being the gift of a tree valued at xs. from Mr. Richard Knight of Headington, xx.9. towards glazing the windows from iIr. Cossam, Alderman, " somet^^mes Mayor," and who had been five times Master, and xs. for the same purpose from Mr. Thos. Bird, Clerk of the Company.^ It has been conjectured, and with apparent probability, that this Hall was the inn now called the Thi-ec Goats (a short mode of describing the shoemakers' arms), and which is the property of the city of Oxford.^ How long they continued to occupy their new building is not known ; but in the years 1617-18-19,^ we find them letting a tenement and garden, with the appur- tenances, in the parish of 8t. Michael, which must have been the same property, as not the shghtest hint occurs that they were possessed of any other. In 1631, Mr, Arnold is credited with 1 0/. for the rent of his house " nere Bocardo ; " ^ and as, in 1634, mention is made of a house then sold for 140/.,^ it seems most probable it was "the Hall." The business of the annual meetings, when assembled, was to collect and pay over the fee-farm rent, elect new officers, make presentments and admissions, with such orders as were necessary, and, lastly, to settle their accounts,^ When these matters were all disposed of, the new master was to give them a dinner, under penalty of 6s. Sd.,'^ the latter being an act of duty not alwa^^s performed, as the individual might prefer pa3^ing the penalty when the Com- pany became very numerous f and the funds necessary for celebrating the festivity could only be raised by a tax upon themselves. For, as they had no endowment,* and no ■•6.109. The fine, writings, and fees ■* And only two permanent benefactions: cost 23/. 7s. 0(1., and being short of money the first, of vj* viij"* a year, was left by the they were obliged to permit Mr. Cossam, will of Mr. Alderman W. Payne, twice the master, to retain the lease as a secu- mayor and six times master, who died, it rity for a sum he had lent them. This is supposed, about 1619 or l(i-20. B. 178, was repaid in 1602, B. 116, 109. also B. 38, for his wife's legacy, and com- " B. 177. pare pp. 83, 178. The second, of 5/., was
- See the concluding note. given by Mr. Timothy Carter, on his being
7 D. sub annis. appointed steward in the place of Mr.
- B. 146. Bird, October 22, 1627; and to be
" D. sub anno. lent gratis on good security, to two free- ' In 1588 the accounts began to be taken men of the company, 50^'. cacli, for two on the following day. B. 95. years, one of the first nominees to hold - Ordin. 2 Eliz. the loan for one year only, so that an •'* The list from 1G60 to 1709 vai-ics appointment should take place every year from 80 to nearly 100 names. D. They afterwards. D 2. The benefaction was are now (1848) only 10 ordinary, 16 applied in 1701, when the accounts which honorary members, and the steward. have been inspected end. E. sub amio.