Illumination, iu a form more adapted for general circulation than his useful " Palaeographia Sacra." It â– will comprise illuminated illustrations of the Bible, selected from various MSS. of celebrity, chiefly in English col- lections, and include, as far as practicable within the limits proposed, a collection which may afford the means of comparing and contrasting the styles of art of the principal schools of design during the Middle Ages. It wUl contaiji forty plates, and may be taken in monthly parts. (London : C. Dolman). A new edition of Dr. Lingard's valuable History has been announced by Mr. Dolman, by whom subscribei's' names are received. The work has received most careful revision, and a great mass of additional information, the result of the indefatigable labours of the venerable author, will enrich this reprint. The first part of a selection of intei'esting subjects of mediaeval antiquity has just been published by Mr. BeD, entitled " Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England," consisting of examples of furniture, plate, and objects of historical interest, with which the old mansions and private col- lections in the north are richly stored. These ancient relics have been drawn, and the plates etched, by Mr. W. B. Scott. Mr. Boutell has produced a portion of his new work, an " Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Christian Monuments in England and Wales," to which allusion was made in the last Number. It will consist of four parts ; the first comprising the slabs and sepulchral antiquities of the simplest class, some of which are decorated with crosses and other ornaments, but without efiigies. It is illustrated by a numerous variety of beautiful subjects, in great part unpublished hitherto, and includes an attractive summary of the subject of sepulchral cross slabs, of which Mr. Cutts has for some time been engaged in pi'eparing a monograph, as announced, - for speedy publication, in the last Journal. The scope of Mr. Boutell's work is more extended, and it will form a very useful manual of monu- mental antiquities in England. In the last Journal, mention was made of the proposed publication of a work on Ecclesiastical Antiquities, by the Rev. Arthur Hussey. A pro- spectus and specimen have since been issued, and may be obtained on application to Mr. J. Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. The work will compi'ise the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey ; and form a comparative list of the churches mentioned in Domesday, and those of more recent date, with notes on their architecture, sepulchral memorials, and other antiquities. Subscribers' names received by Mr. J. R. Smith. We regret exceedingly that the press of matter in the proceedings of the Monthly Meetings obliges us to defer noticing many interesting works until the October number of our Journal.