warden suffers for neglecting to give due admonition : — " Ad banc Cur' prcs' sect' predict' quod Johannes Tackelj nuper Sen' artificii negligent' se liabuit in premuniendo Willelmum Saventr' ad essendum apud fratres carmel in festo assumpce' beate Marie ideo incurrit penam j. H' cere ;"'^ which present- ment is repeated in the next year, wdth the addition, that he had forfeited sevenpence for the value of the pound of wax.® The only general rule wdiich has been found for the management of the offering, is one of the fourth year of Henry VII. :— Ordinat' q'd custodes luminis s'ce Marie de cetero faciant predictum lumen fere paratum annuatim erga festum assumpciouis beate Marie virginis sub pe'i cujuslibet custodis pro tempore exist' unius libre cere foris (foris faciende ?) artificio." Being a voluntar}'^ act of piety, the payments towards it vary both as to time and amount ; they Avere first made weekly, on Sundays,^ then for one year only, quarterly,^ and afterwards once every fortnight ; ^ the last agreement being to collect every week or fortnight, as convenient.^ One of these made in the eighth year of Henry VH. may suffice as a specimen of the rest : — Also it ys agreyt y^ the Mayster John Symond, Wyll^m camden, John bromlay, Rob' holbeke, John falofelde, Eye" barlaw, Iiyc' barlaw, & Edward Jenkyns, have grautyt to pay wekely to ower lade lyght Mr Symond ij d Mr Camden j d Mr bromlay gedyr & a pese of tymbyr [will gather or collect, and give a piece of timber]. Rob' holbeke j d John falofelde db Rye' barlaw 6b Edward Jenkyns xij d ^ » P. 20. ^ P. 23. ence to B. 70, 71, it will be found to be of 7 Ord^r passed at a court holden on 24 or 25 Hen. VHI., Mr. Bartram not Monday after St. Luke's-day,4 Hen. VH., having been master before, and the writing A. 18. corresponding. They agree to collect I f/ . 8 21 Hen. VH., A. 55 ; and see 7 a week. Hen. VHI., p. 74; and 8 Hen. Vlll.,p. 77; * A. 77. The contributions are usu.aliy 1 1 Hen. Vni., p. 80 and p. 89, which has very small. 2f/., d., or a ^cL; Mr. Symond, no date ; also 16 Hen. VHI., B. 56, which who is always hberal, once giving 6c/. ; so probably has reference to the light. that to explain Mr. Jenkins's bounty, who, " 1 1 Hen. Vni., A. 80. on two subsequent occasions, gave oidy a ' A., p. 2. There is no date to this ; but 4^^. and a Ic/., we must either suppose tliat by comparing it with B., pp. 58, 5.0, it will he was moved by an extraordinary impulse appear to be of either the 15 or 16 of of piety at the moment, or intended atone- lien. Vin., in which years Edw. Jenkins ment for some crying sin he had corn- was master. mitted ; it may be, .a grievous overcharge - A. 89, without date ; but upon refer- upon some customer. VOL. VI. Y