thynge that maye damage or Imrte the said Guylde, its Hber- tieSj or anye thynge contayned within its charture. And to geve dewe and true Accompte of all suche money as shalbe Levied for the said Guilde's use, or come to their handes by meanes of their office, or by reasone of anye penalties, amerce- mentes, arrerages, fynes, or otherwise."^ And in order to assist him in eifecting these objects, the Warden or Steward was to be constantly at his call ; and their first duty was jointly to take the accounts of the preceding year, and receive the money-box or coffer, with the sum found to be in hand. 2. The Warden or Steward,*' called in the minutes of earlier courts, " Senescallus," w^as to take his " corporall oath that he would be readie at all tymes to warne the persones of the said Guilde to come together whensoever the Maister should will and admonishe hym to do the same ; and to be readie at all tymes to come to the said M'. at his lawfull warninge to helpe hym in all honest matters, and Comodities of the said Guilde ; and to ayde, helpe, and assiste hym in defence of all such liberties and Comodities as have byne graunted to the said Guilde by the kynges of this Realme and their progeni- tours."^ From the circumstance of the Warden being so much the Master's agent, he is represented in the minutes of the proceedings of some years to be nominated by him f an error which might have arisen from the Company being kindly dis- posed to elect whomsoever their Master wished to have as his assistant. In some cases, the power of the two was inde- pendent, but to be exercised jointly, as in that of removing members, upon just cause, from the Guild. 3. The two Searchers of Leather, scrutatorescorii, or "sher- chyrs of ledyr," ^ were to make " true and dewe searche of the workes and matters of the said occupation everie terme of the yearo ; and if they found any thinge forfeited, to geve dewe and trew accompt of the same to the bayliffes of the towne of Oxforde, towards the paymente of the Queue's fee farme of the towne of Oxforde." ^ The current of legislation has set so
- Ordin. 2 Eliz. master is termed warden, and the latter
- See Minutes of Courts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steward. B. 57.
Edw. VI., the latter especially ; 1 Mary, ' Oi'din., 2 Eliz. and ',') Eliz., Book B. The steward of ^ Book B. ad init. See Minutes of later days was a different ofiicer, being the Courts of 2','>, 24, 29 Henry VIH., and 2 legal advisor, and what would be now called &. 3 Ed. VI, 20 Eliz., &c. the Clerk of a Company. In the minutes ° B. .58. of the court holden 14 Henry VUI., the ' Ordin., 2 Ehz.