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11. 4 James I. (of Scotland, 39), May 20, at Westminster. The seal is in brown wax, six inches in diameter, quite perfect, and a beautiful speci- men.* These three last charters are kept together in a long box. In pursuance of the provision of the charter of Edward II., a " Writ Executorie," addressed to the mayor and baihffs of the city (then town) of Oxford, was added to the Inspeximus. Of these the company possess four, viz : — 1. 35 Hemy (VI.,) May '25, at Westminster. Seal in yellow wax, broken. See Sandford, p. 244. 2. 4 Edward IV., August 26, at Woodstock. Seal in plain wax, injured: differs in some respects from that given in Sandford, p. 375. 3.13 Elizabeth, Februaiy ^, at Westminster.' Seal in brown wax, broken. 4. 4 James I. (of Scotland, 3'.)), May 26, at Westminster, indorsed " An Executory for the Company of Cordwayners and Corvesors in the City of Oxford." Seal in brown wax, broken. The form of the first of these, which is, with a few verbal differences, the same as that of the rest, is as follows : — Henricus Dei gra' Rex Angl' et Francie et Dominus Hib'nie Majori et Ballivis ville sue Oxon' qui nunc sunt vel qui pro tempore fuerint salutem. Cum inter ceteras libertates Corvesai'iis et Corduanariis ville nostre pre- dicte per cartas progenitorum nostrorum quondam Regum Anglie quas contirmavimus pro certa firma eisdem progenitoribus nostris et heredibus 8uis annuatim reddend' concessas concessum sit eisdem quod nullus fac' eorum officium in suburbiis predicte ville Oxon' nisi sit de gilda sua eis per dictos progenitores uostros concessa et per nos confirmat' et quod nullus cindat in eadem villa Oxon' aut subui'biis ejusdem corduanum aut corium tannatum conreatum aut novum opus ad officium predictum pertinens in eisdem suburbiis vendat nisi sit de ilia gilda sat forisfactura manuoperis illius ad opus nostrum de qua forisfactura annuatim ad scaccarium nos- trum sancti Michaelis per manus ballivorum dicte ville volumus responderi prout in cartis et confirmacione predictis plenius continetur. Nos volentes de forisfacturis hujusmodi in villa et suburbiis predictis juxta tenorem cartarum et confirmacionis predictarum responderi vobis mandamus firmiter injungentes quod eisdem Corvesariis et Corduanariis dicte ville Oxon' sitis in auxilium ad omnes hujusmodi forisfacturas in villa predicta ad opus nostmm levand' et nobis inde respondend' juxta tenorem cartarum et confir- macionis predictainim. Et hoc sicut nob inde respondere volueritis nullatenus omittatis. Teste meipso apud Westm' xxv die Maii anno regni nostri tricesimo quiuto. ■ (Seal in yellow wax, broken. See Sandford, p. 244.)

  • M"" that this yeare the com- thereof, vz. ... xu"

pany procured their Charter • to be confirmed by the king* In toto . . xxiiu'" viu'* ma"^ W'^ cost for the ordina- — Proceed inc/s at Annual Meeting m A.D. rie chardg" . . . xn'M-ii.i 1606,6.113. Besid" the chardg" in travell- •' Transcribed C. 31, with a translation, ing about the same and for p. 2.5. It is mentioned in the ordinances guifts geven in respect of 19 Eliz. VOL VI. X

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