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359 Garden iu Ilolborn, t. Etlw. I., 303 of the fourteenth century, 295 Gardens, Roman, in England, 296 — — , Saxon, mentioned in Domesday, 297 , English, in the twelfth century, 298 Garderobes of the Norraan period, 48 •Qarderobe, Peak Castle, Derbyshire, 216 •Gateshead, Durham, coffin slab" at, 257 Gems, antique, set in medeval seals, 3 — 6 Geometric period or style of architecture not to be defined, not a real style, 346 "Gilling Church, Yorkshire, founder's tomb in, 69 Grave-stones, ancient, 2o3-8 Grimsbury castle, Berks, 287 Gnerber, Essai sur Ifs Vitraux de Strasbourg, noticed, 356 Gutta Percha, instructions for the use of, 332 Gymmer, a ewe sheep, 318 H. Hailstone, Edward, communication of ancient documents by, 57 Hall, at Oakham, 124 Harrison's Description of England, not good au- thority on any one point, 296 Hartshorne, Rev. C. H., on the hall at Oak- ham, Rutlandshire, 124 ■ , on Peverell's Castle in the Peak, 207 Haseley, Great, Oxfordshire, notice of Remarks on the Church of, 171 Hastings, Lord, his collection of MSS., 258 Hedley, Mr., fibula in possession of, 220 Heraldic insignia introduced upon seals, 3 Heraldry, suggestions for an improved ordi- nary, 10 , remarks on medieval, 9 Hertz, Mr., fibula communicated by, 219 , armilla? exhibited by, 220 Hexham, Northumberland, grave-stone at, 257 • coffin slab at, 257 Hildersham, remains found at, 227 Hoare, Mr. Edward, "ring money" coraranni- cated by, 218; drawing of an armilla com- mnnicated by, 154 Hollingbury Hill, near Brighton, antiquities found at, 323 Horse-shoe given to Oakham castle, 137 Horticulture, state of, in England in early times, 295 Horton, Northumberland, grave-stone at, 256 • ^sepulchral slab at, 253, 257 House of the thirteenth century at Charney, Berks, 311 fourteenth century, at Sutton Courtenay, 313 Hussey, R. C, on recent discoveries in Chester Cathedral, 17—20 , on Medieval Brick -work, 34 — ?9 , Rev. Arthur, on the site of Ande- rida, 229 " Ilutibannum " in charters, 20 •Hypocaust discovered in Thames-street, 25, 29 I. Jarvis, Rev. Edwin G., notice of the custom of dropping pins in wells, 221 Iconographie Chretienne, noticed, 353 •Indian Architecture, 173 — 184 •Inlaid pavement, Canterbury Cathedral, 234 Inscription in cave at Kenneri iu Western India, 181 Ireland, castles in, 243 Irish Churches, fonts in, 243 Antiquities. 'St. Doulough's well — •Scur- loughstown castle — •Beehive-house, Bishop's Island, 242 K. •Keep-towers, Norman, examples of, 43 Key on grave-stones, emblem of a married woman, 257 •Kingston on Thames, antiquities of iron and bronze discovered at, 327 Knightis of the Bathe, How to be made, 258 Lady Chapel in Chester Cathedral, 18 " Landbote" in charters, explained, 23 Lead used for early seals, 7 Long Wittenham, Berks, Saxon Remains at, 291 Lowbury hill, Berks, traces of a Roman castle upon, 287 Low side windows, 228 • window in a hall at Sutton Conrtenfty, 314 M. Maidstone, History of All Saints' College at, noticed, 77 •Malvern, Great, tiles in the Church of, 233 Man in the Moon, the legend of the, 67 Mantell, Dr., mnseum of, 323 Manual d'Architecture Religieuso ou Moy*n Age, par Peyre, noticed, 247 •Marden, Herefordshire, Saxon bell found at, 329 Maskefatt, a mash vat, 318 Maskull, Rev. W., communicates a reliquary ia gold found near Devizes, 156

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