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and kepe this bye and worsliipfulle ordir tliat ye have takyn up on yow, ye sere. % And when they be goynge onte of the chapelle, then schalle the kyngis mayster cook mete with hem at the dore, and he schalle say unto them, in this wise, — ser, I, as the kyngis mayster cook, come at this tyme to lete yow have knowlege wdiat is myne office. Sere, myne office is, yf ye be untrewe to yowre sovereyne lorde or doo ayens this hye and worshipfulle ordir that ye have takyn, myne office is, that y nmste smyte of yowre hele ^ be the smalle of yowre leggis, and herfore I claime yore sporis, the whiche I pray yow remembir this in yowre mynde, and ^ yeve yow grace to kepe this hye and worshipfulle ordir, and yeve yow as moche wor- shipe as evyr had eny of yowre kynne. % Then they schalle be brought in to the halle ; then the kynge comyth in to the halle and wasshis, and is sette : then shall alle the newe made knyghtis wasshe and sitte at a side borde, and when the kynge is servid, then alle the halle schalle be servid, but the new^e made knyghtis schalle ete noo mete ™, and when the kyng is servid of the laste course, then the herawdes shalle crye the kyngis largesse, in foure plasis in the halle : then the herawdis schalle come in ageyne and crye, larges, in two plasis of the halle, of the newe made knyghtis : and when the kynge hath dynid, then they schalle goo in to ther chambris and doo of ther arayment, and that the herawdis shalle have for ther fee. % Then they shalle doo up on them longe blewe gownis, and it muste be purfild aboute with ermyne, and a white lase of silke with golde in the toftis muste be pynnid (with) a pyn up on his lyfte schuldir, and a hood of the same, purfiled aboute, of the shappe as bacheleris of lawehan : and the hood nmste be caste aboute his nek, and the hood and the tipet pynnid to gedir up on the lyfte schuldir ; and then they schalle goo alle to gedir un to the kyng, and when they come in to his presence, on shalle say for them alle, in this wise. Most hye and excel- lent and most myghti prince, oure sovereyne lorde, we thanke yow of this hye and worshipfulle ordir that ye have gyve un to us, and we as yowre liege men schalle be redy at yowre com- aundement : then they schalle bowe them downe alle at onys, and arise, and goo ther wey : then they schalle goo in to ther According to the formula printed by the rest, hut neither to eat nor drink, " but Anstis, " with a grete knyif, with which he yf grete nede be, nor he shall not move dressetli his messes." hym, norloke hedyr nor thcdyr, more than ' Sic. Probably — (God) yeve yow grace. a Vy iff new wedded." Anstis. "■ The new knifflit was to be served as

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