cote of reed tartaryn, and a white Icdir^ girdille aboute liim, and the gyrdille may have iioo bokille : then he miistehave a white Coyfe up on his heed, and then a mantelle of reed tarteryn purfild aboute with (white erased) ermyn, and that muste be putte above him, and a wdiite lase muste be in the seyde mantelle before at the breste, Avith a peyrc of white glovys knyt in the seyde lase. ^ Then the servauntis and cliambirleynes that bene asynid to awate up on them sehalle take ther swcrdis, and the skabcrt sehalle be white ledir with onte any bokille, and a payre of gilte sporis hangynge up on the hiltis of the same sworde, and the seyde servauntis and chanibirleynes sehalle bere the seyde sworde with the sporis before them. *[ Then they sehalle come downe and take ther horsis, and ther horsis sehalle be arayde in this wise, the saddle muste be blak, and bordrid aboute with white ledir, and the bridillc nmste be blak with a crosse of latour hyngynge in the frunte of the horse, and a paytrelle of the same sute^, and the marchalle of Engelonde sehalle have alle ther horsis for his fee. % Then they sehalle alyghte, and come in to the kyngis presence with ther swordis borne before them, and makynge ther obcysaunce : then they sehalle come evyn to the kynge : then sehalle two knyghtis take the sporis of the sworde and doo hem on ther lielis : then sehalle the kynge g}i"de his sworde aboute him : then the squyer puttith bothe his thumbis with in the las of his mantelle ', and lyftis up his armys ovyr his heed, then the kynge puttith bothe his liondis with in his armys, and takis him about the nekke with bothe his handis, and kissis him, and plukkis him be the nekke, and sayes un to him, — scoyes boun chevalere, — then he knelys downe and standis by tille the kynge hath made hem alle, than they shalle be ladde un to the ehapelle with knyghtis. ^ When they come in to the ehapelle, evyn be- fore the hye auter, then they shalle ungirde him, and leye his sworde up on the auter, and then knele downe and ley his hande, uj) on the auter : then the deen, or on for him that is assynid for to say in this wise. Be this holy auter, that oure lordis body is mynistrid on, ye sehalle susteyne the chirehe, c Tliis word is somewhat indistinct : "a ' Tliis singular gesture is not described gyrdill of whyte ledyr wijhout any liar- in the text given by Anstis. Tlie intention neyse of ony metall." Anstis. possibly was tbat the new knight should '• " His brydyll shall be blac letlier raise bis arms, without appearing to eni- playne with long reynes in the gy^e of brace the sovereign, which might be cou- Spayne, and a crosse plate (patee) in the siilered indecorous, forehede." Anstis. VOL. V. M m