205 be a flat loaf, possibly the Panagia, or blessed bread, some- times distributed to the faitliful after the celebration of the Periiaps, however, this may represent the paten. mass lUumiuations from LISS. in the Public Library, Rouen. In the second representation a bishop is seen in the act of elevating the Avafer, he bows the head, over which the attend- ant deacon seems to wave the flabellum, in this instance apparently formed of a circular piece of plain white parch- ment, attached to a handle. This subject is found in a MS. of the thirteenth centuiy, a Pontifical of the Church of Rheims, distinguished by the class-mark 372 — 224. A remarkable jlaheUum, supposed to be of the twelfth century, was long preserved in the abbey of Tournus, on the Saone, south of Chalons : it was first noticed and described by the learned Benedictines, in the " Voyage Litteraire ', J^^id more recently by Du Sommerard, in his great work on IVIedieval Art. The handle is of ivory, measuring about two French feet in length, the circular fan measuring about twelve inches in diameter : St. Philibert and several saints are repre- sented upon it : Latin hexameters and pentameters are in- scribed upon three concentric bands on the fan. Around a pomel forming part of the handle is found the name of the maker : — ^ -r ion elme scae fecit in honore mariae. •• See Macri Ilierolexicon, v. Ferinen- tum, Panagia, &c. i Tom. i. p. 231. An engraving is given by Guenin, in the Histoire de I'Ab- baye de Tournus, representing this singular vor- V. E G object : it has been also given by Du Somnierard, Arts au Moyen Age, ch. xiv. Atlas, pi. iv. and Album, ix. serie, pi. xvii.