ARCHAEOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE. forming with the letters fert, the principal part of the collar of the order of the Aniuinciation in Savoy. The cordeliere has been supposed by some heraldic writers to have been properly taken hy widows only : it was fre- quently used by Louise of Savoy, mother of Francis I. king of France. This little seal was found by a workman occupied in making some exca- vations at Winchester, and had been attributed to the Black Prince. No conjecture can be offered as regards the cause of its being found in such a locality. The prince of Carignan w^as grandfather of the celebrated Prince Eugene, The Rev. Francis T. Bayly, vicar of Brookthorpe, Gloucestershire, and one of the Local Secretaries of the Institute in that county, communicated tracings of the original size, with drawings representing two curious sepul- chral memorials, preserved in the church-porch, at St. Pierre, near Chep- stow, Monmouthshire. They are inscribed and sculptured cofRn-lids of stone, of the form prevalent in the thirteenth century, and were discovered in the year 1765, beneath the surface of the sod in the churchyard, whilst the ground around the church was lowered. Representations of these tombs have been published in the Gentleman's Magazine, in 1765, and in the Archa3ologia ; but they are deficient in accuracy, and we COFFIN-LIDS: ST. PIERRE NEAR CHEPSTOW, gladly avail ourselves of the kindness of Mr. Bayly, in supplying accurate fac-similes, as also of Mr. Thomas Niblet, of Haresfield Court,