© r i g i n n I B o c u m £ n t s.
Inventories of hoiiseliold property of the date of the thir- teenth century are of rare occurrence, and few have been hitherto printed. The following example, selected from the muniments of the priory of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, pre- served in the Chapter-house, Westminster, may be referred to the close of that period, and is especially interesting as relating to a small manorial residence, of the extent and ar- rangement of which it presents very satisfactory evidence. The tenement appears to have been situated in one of the two l^arishes of Warley, in the county of Essex, named respectively Great Warley and Warley Franks'". From the mention of Prior E. (Eustace) this document cannot be of later date than 1280, in which year he died, having been elected either in 1264 or 1268". According to Morant Reginald de Ginges obtained license from Edward the Eirst, in 1281, to impark certain lands in Ginges-Radulfi, within the forest of Essex ; he was probably descended from llalpli, brother of Ilger, who held lands in that place at the time of the Domesday Siu-vey. Memorandum quod Reginaldus de Gynges recepit a Priore et conventu Sanctse Trinitatis London' domos suas de Warlee per precium . videlicet aulam cum thalamo per precium quin- que marcarum . capellam triginta solidormn . boveriam viginti solidorum . pistrinum dimid . marce . januam cum solar' viginti solidorum . grangiam meliorera quinque marcarum , secundam viginti solidorum . pro qua pecunie summa dicta edificia sunt ap})reciata die quo ilia recepit . presentibus E . priore . fratribus Willelmo Aygnel et Philippo canonicis . ipso Reginaldo de Gynges . Reginaldo de Fonte . Henrico Page . Henrico Haryng. Alexandro le Gardiner . Rogero de Ferynges et Ricardo Bay- nard servientibus . Johanne de Eystane . Alano de Hyndele et aliis. Item recepit in capella superaltare marmoreum et ymaginem Beate Marie cum tabernaculo . item algeas duas magnas . busscllum sive batun. aratrum cum jugis et pertinentiis. cul- trum cum vomere . duas furcas fcrreas cum carecta veteri . tabulas duas cum tripodibus . scabellum ct cathedram et scalam. Que omnia rcstituentur cisdem vel precium eorum post decessum ejusdem Reginaldi. In cujus rei testimonium
- Sec Morant's Essex, vol. i. p. 111. Duj^dale's Monasticon, vol. v. p. 150.
" History of Essex, vol. i. p. 215.