If we regard the effigy at Conington as doubly memorative of one who in early life followed a warlike and secular, and in his later years a religious profession, we see a type of a similar change of feeling recorded, but in a different mode, on other sepulchral memorials, even to a late period; as on a sepulchral memorial in IJaltwistle chmTh, where on one side of the stem of a cross flory is represented the sword and shield of a knight who, in after life, went on a pilgrimage — a fact indicated by the scrip, and bourdon or palmer's staff, represented on the other side of the stem of the cross ; and in that inscription of the seventeenth century in Oxhill church, Warwickshire, of the date of 108] : " When I was young I ventured life and blood, Both for my kinge, and for my countrey's good ; In elder years my care was chief to he Souldier for Him that shed His blood for me." M. H. BLOXAM.