To pursiio however the history of this royal fee, we Hi id that in tlie 9th Ric. II., (1385,) it was granted to Robert do Vere, earl of Oxford, with reversion to his heirs male if he outlived the king, but giving oft'ence to the nobility by his ])roud and insolent behaviour, he was banished the kingdom, and his estates forfeited^. Those in Rutlandshire were given in 11 Ric. II. (1387) to Thomas of AVoodstock, the duke of (Jloucester^ who as we have seen had married Eleanor, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Hum})hrey de Bohuu. He was de Vere's greatest enemy. He held the grant only for a year, dying without male issue. During the vacancy an Inquisition was made into the state of the castle, 13 Ric. II., (1389,) when it was returned as producing no revenue beyond reprises, or the rent-charges and duties paid to the bailifts and stewards^. The Patent rolls, 5 Hen. IV., (1403,) pass the castle of Oakham with its respective manor and liberties, in special talc, in part satisfaction for SOG marcs a year, to Edward, earl of Rutland, eldest son of Edmond of Langley, the fifth son of Edward III., who being killed at the battle of Agincourts 3 Hen. V., (1415,) it came again to the crown^. In the 2nd Hen. V. (1414) the king restored the castle, town, demesne, and manor of Oakham, to William de Bourchier and Anne his wife, daughter and heiress of Thomas, late duke of Glou- cester, and Anne in general tale. Portions of it were now alienated. Constance, wife of Thomas Lord Dcspencer, and of Edmond of Langley, had Esingdon with a mill and the village under the castle of Oakham, which she also held, (4 Hen. V.) Wdliam le Zouch held the manor of Kylsham (Clipsham) as belonging to the castle, (3 Hen. V. 1415,) and Joan de Bohun held Langham as a parcel and member of Oakham castle, 7 Hen. V. (1419 ^) ' Rot. Pat. 9 Ric. IL, p. L m. 6. (chivaler) the manor of Kylsham, as be-
- Calend. Rot. Chart. 191. longing to the caslle of Oakliain.
- Inquis. 13 Ric. IL No. ICI. Castle of In 4 Hen. V., IHG, Constance, who was
Oakham granted to duke of Albemarle. the wife of Thomas Lord le Despenser, Rot. Pat. 22 Ric. IL p. 1. m. 11. held Esingden with a mill and the vill, as « He was buried at Fotheringhav. from the castle of Oakham, and also Oak- •* Rot. Pat. 5 Hen. IV. p. 1. m. 21. ham castle. e The Inquisitions give the following In 7 Hen. V., 1410, Joan de Rohun, late notices of the descent of the manor muier countess of Hereford, held Langham as a the respective years. parcel and member of Oakham castle. In 19 Ric. IL, i;595, Williamle Zouche In 4 Hen. VL, 1425, Oakham was de Haringworth (Miles) had the castle of among the extensive possessions of Ralph, f ';'l<liaiii- earl of Westmoreland. In .'5 Hen. v., 1H.5, William le Zouch In S Hen. VL, H2!t, Margaret Burirh