117 in order to separate them from the furniture and other details or walls of inclosure, and the masses of building are also tinted, the distribution of the respective colours is explained in the right hand corner of the plan. Concise English explanatory words are added, but for the full explanation of the uses of the several apartments and their furniture the foregoing pages must be consulted. The inscriptions upon the original are written in every possi- ble direction, and sometimes whimsically placed with the letters vertically in columns or distributed fancifully over the different rooms. The plan (as f'xplained above) is not drawn to scale. The church is said to be 200 ft. long, and the central and side aisles to be 40 ft. and 20 ft. broad respectively, dimensions which are to be taken from centre to centre of the piers and within the walls. The piers are said to be 12 ft. apart. That this measure is from centre to centre upon the plan is shewn by comparing it with the total length of the building. For as there are nine interspaces, we thus obtain 108 ft. for the body of the church, and allowing in rough measures 30 ft. for the width of the transept, and about 37 ft, for the length of the presbyteiy including the apse, there will remain 25 ft. for the length of the western apse, and the total 200 ft. will be obtained. This church, so laid down to scale, is of a very probable proportion. The total transverse measure of the transept must be about equal to the length of the nave, namely 108 ft. For want of space I have in plan No. 2 employed some figures of refer- ence in the church and in the Physic Garden, which are to be interpreted as follows : For the Church : 1. Altar of S. Cecilia. 2. S . . . ? and S. Agnes. 3. Holy Innocents. i. S. John Evangelist and S. Baptist. 5. S. Sebastian. C. S. Martin. 7. The crucified Saviour. 8. S. Mauritius. 9. S. Steplien. 10. Pulpit, (Ambo.) IL Altar of S. Laurence. John 12. Reading-desk, {Analogium.) 13. ditto. ditto. 14. Altar of S. Philip and S. James. 15. North passaije to the crypt. K). Altar of S. Benedict upon the steps of the presbytery. 17. Passage to the confessionary or cen- tral crypt under high altar. 18. Altar of S. Columbanus upon the steps of the presbytery. 19. South passage to the crypt. 20. Altar of S. Andrew. In the Physic Garden : 1. Fasiolo, Kidney Bean. 2. Sataregia, Savory. 3. Rosas, Rose. 4. Sisblihria, Watercress. 5. Cumiiio, Cummin. 6. Lubestico, Lovage. 7. Fenicidum, Pennel. 8. Costo, Tansy. 9. Liliitm, White Lily. 10. Salvia, Sage. 11. liiita. Rue. 12. Gladiola, Coriiflag. 13. Pulegittm, Penny Royal. 14. Fenugraca, Fenugreek. 15. Menta, Peppermint. 1(). Rosmarino, Rosemary. ROBERT WILLIS. VOL. V,