folding-doors, as in our modern barns) on the side towards tlic workshops. It bears the inscription " Frucjibus hie imtat cunctis labor executiendis." In the centre, as in the malt granary, there is a space in the form of a cross, destined for tlirashing the grain, " area in qua tritu.rardur (jrana et palece!' The Kitchen Garden. Hortusr The kitchen garden extends between the orchard and the poidtry yard in an oblong square, and is divided into eighteen beds, " hie jjlantata Iiolerum pulehre naseeniia vernant." As the monks, according to ancient rule, were bound to live upon pulse, vegetables, and fruit from trees, and to gather the same themselves, the garden and the cultivation of it were points of special importance in a monastery. The beds are occupied in the following manner: — 1. Cepas, Onions; 2. Alias, Garlick; 3. Porros, Leeks; 4. Aseolonias, Shallots; 5. Apium, Celery; 6. Felrosilium, Varsley ; 7. Colianclrum, Coriander; 8. Ce?'e- folium. Chervil; 9. Anetum, Dill; 10. Laetuea, Lettuce; 11. Fapaver, Poppy; 12. Satare^ia, Savory; 13. Radices, Ra- dishes; 14. Pestinachm, Parsnep; 15. Magones, Carrots; 16. Caulas, Cabbages; 17. Betas, Beet; IS. Gitto, Corn- cockle. AVith the exception of the carrots, '■'magones all the above-mentioned plants are introduced into Charlemagne's Capitulare de Villis "*. The Gardener's House, This stands close to the kitchen garden, encloses a court in the middle of which is a small building, " ipsa dornus," and contains the residence of the gardener, " mansio hortolani," which can be warmed by means of a stove ; also two sleeping apartments for the servants, " cubiUa famulormn ;" lastly a place for keeping all implements shod mth iron, as spades, hoes, mattocks, &c., and the vegetable seeds, " hie ferramenfa reservantur, ef seminaria holeruni." Vestibules are introduced into almost all the buildings in this plan, and the eastern entrance to the present court is through one. Compare the above account moreover with Avhat is said respecting the cen- tral space in the dwelling of the physician.
- • This is printed in tlie " Capitularia Regum Francorum" of IJaluzius, t. i. p. 331.
Art. 70.