we find ail altar in its small enclosure, dedicated to the Cross i', and having like the font an outer enclosure formed by screens extending from pillar to pillar on the north, south, and west sides. The western screen has a door. The nave is so com- pletely obstructed by these screens, and by the choirs to be presently described, that the only straight passages from one end to the other are to be found one in each side aisle close to the pillars, and passing between them and the altars already mentioned. The north transept has an altar of St. Philip and St. James placed against its eastern wall, and upon a platform ascended by three steps in front. This transept is also enclosed so as to form a chapel by means of screens, which leave only a narrow passage to the south in continuation of the above- mentioned passage of the side aisle. Benches are placed on three sides of the chapel thus formed, and in the centre is also a bench inscribed formula!' The entrance to this chapel is in its southern screen. The south transept is similarly en- closed for a chapel of St. Andrew. We may now examine the arrangements of the principal choir and presbytery. The floor of the presbytery, which ex- tends to the eastern piers of the central space or " crossing," is raised upon a crypt, and is reached by means of a flight of seven steps'! that occupies part of the area of the crossing, and is divided in the middle by the passage to the confession ary, " accesmis ad confessionrm!' or cell under the high altar, which contains the body of St.Gallus. The original plan of this por- tion of the church is confused by the attempt to delineate the plan of the crypt in combination with that of the presbytery over it. The arched passage marked " involutio arcimm," evi- dently belongs to the crypt alone. It is entered on each side from the transepts, and passes outside the wall of the chancel, as my key-plan No. 3 wiU shew^ These portions of the crypt ai'c joined by a passage which nms north and south under the jjlatform of the presbytery, and thus the central space is em- braced and isolated by this crypt. But the central space or P Rather, to the crucified SiivioKr. It sciibed " //; rr/ptam iiilroitus et e.rilns," hears the )ni^<:r'i])[ion " Altai e ti'ci .stilvdluris and the soiitli entrance "In criplam iii- ad cnicem," and the line grc.sm/s et e<;irssus." An inscription be- " Crii.i-, via, vita, saliis, mixer'iqtie re- hind the high altar declares that the holy (kmplio niuudi." structures of the saints (altars or tombs) '> Marked " septem grn/iiii, on cue side upon the crypt shall shine in glory, ol' the passage and "A7"n/«7/7(?r" on tiie other. " Sai/cto, .super rriptam sanetortau i>triicta ' Tile north entrance to the crypt is in- jiitel/imt."