vestibule of entrance, of which llic iiortlicTU one conducts to the liospithun of the (listinf2;uislic(l •^•ncsts and to the school, and the southern to the paupers' hospitiuni, as well as to the monastery in general". Two circular towers are also appended to this semicircular cloister. Besides the western doors of the church, hy which the pul)lic were admitted, the plan shews a door in tlu; south aisle which leads to the chaniher occu])ied l)y the k('C[)er of the panpers' liospithun, and a corres})onding one in the north aisle to the porter's chambers. In the north transept a door opens to the chambers appro[)riated to ecclesiastical guests, (mother to the abbot's house, a third leads to the scri})toriuui, and a fourth to the crypt and to the stairs of the library. In the south transept is a door to the cloister, one to the dormi- tory, or to the room below it, one to the sacristy, and lastly one to the crypt. The entire plan of the church is divided by screens into various chajjcls and choirs. In the north aisle there are four altars, each of which is placed on the west side of a small screen, which extends from the side aisle wall to the back of the altar, and the altar has also a little enclosure about it, with a door to the west. But space is left for a passage between this enclosure and the pillar of the nave, over against which the altar stands. There is a similar arrangement in the south aisle. The north altars are dedicated respectively to St. Cecilia, the Holy Innocents, St. Martin, and St. Stephen, reckoning from west to east ; and the south altars similarly to St. Agnes, St. Sebastian, St. Mauritius, and St. Lawrence. In the centre line of the nave, opposite to the third pillar from the west, stands the fonf, and opposite to the fourth pillar an isolated enclosure like those of the side aisle protects an altar dedicated to St. John Baptist and St. John the Evan- gelist, thus placed evidently Avith res})ect to the font. A space to the west of the font is enclosed by screens, passhig from pillar to pillar of the nave. Opposite to the sixth pillar, and in the middle of the nave, " The long alley has the following The northern vestibule: — verses: — '^ Eiiel hie hospes, vel Tenipli tecia snb- " Owiiibits ad sacnim tnrhh patet lieec via ihit templum Disri'iitis schola pulclirn jiiveiita simiil. Quo sua vota ferajit, uiide hilares re- The southern vestibule : — (leant." " Tofa Motwslerio faniiilaiitum hie tinha The first, or western vestibule : — subiutrat."
- ' Jdrciiie/is aditian popidiis hie ciiiic/iis ° " Ecce reiiascenles susceptut Chiisliis
habebit." aliinmos," VOL. V. O