This is often called the first book privately printed in England. The name of the author is concealed in a prologue to the 119th Psalm. It consists of a metrical preface of sixteen lines, and the initial letters of each line compose the name Mattheus Parkerus.
M ade is this Psalme: by Alphabete: in Octonaries folde,
A ll letters two: and twentie set: as Hebrues them have tolde.
T he verses all: an hundred bee: threescore and just sixteene,
T hus framde and knit: for meniorie: and elegance some wene.
H ere letters all: so sortely bound: do shew in mysterie
E ternall health: may sure be found: in Scripture totallie.
U erse yokd by eight: Christe's rising day: doth figure them in some,
S weete Saboth rest: not here I say: I meane of world to come.
P eruse this Psalme: so wide and brode: each verso save one is freight,
A s still in termes: of law of God: most ofte by voyces eyght.
R ight statutes, olde precepts, decrees: cōmaundments, word, and law.
K nowne judgemēts, domes, and witnesses: al rightous wais thei draw
E nvie no man: God's worde to painte: in arte by such devise,
R eade Hebrue tonge: the tong so sainte: and causeless be not nise.
U pfolde bi here: God's truthes discust: right sure as all to teache,
S o lies of man: all low be thrust: full false in closing speache.