240. A Booke of Certain Canons. 8vo, 1071—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
Richard Grafton: an author as well as a printer, and the writer of the "Chronicle:" d. cir. 1572. A further notice of his books will be found under "Bibles." He was in partnership with Edward Whitchurch for a considerable time.
241. Primer of Henry VIII. 12 mo. 1540—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
242. Inivnccions geven by the moste excellente Prince Edwarde the VI. 4to. 1547—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
243. Expedition into Scotlāde: a very rare book, and one of the most beautiful specimens of Grafton's Press. 16mo. 1548—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
244. Injunctions given by the Queene's Maiestie. 4to. 1559—The Rev. J. Fuller Ruessell.
John Skot. I have been able to find no particulars regarding his life. He is sometimes identified with a printer at St. Andrews, in Scotland, who bore the same name.
245. Gospel of Nichodemus: from Heber's collection. 4to. London, 1529—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
Walter Lynne: printed for two years, 1548—50, near Billingsgate: "a scholar, an author, and a printer," says Johnson.
246. A Treatise or Sermon. 8vo. 1549—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
247. Catechisms; that is to say, a Short Instruction in Christian Religion, &c., set forth by Thomas Cranmer; "printed by Nicholas Hylle for Walter Lynne." 4to. 1548—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
Bibles and Parts of the Bible.
Psalmorum Codex; see No. 13.
Erasmi Testamentum; see No. 57.
Missale Parisiense; see No. 77.
Psalterium, 1488; see No. 79.
Horæ, n.d.; see No. 83.
„1496; see No. 84.
Quintuplex Psalterium; see No. 94.
Heures, 1499; see No. 97.
Horæ, 1505; see No. 98.
Missale, 1537; see No. 100.
Horæ, 1543; see No. 102.
„1524; see No. 103.
„1527; see No. 105.
„1541; see No. 106.
Prymer, 1538; see No. 109.
Heures, n.d.; see No. 113.
„1515; see No. 114.
Psalterium, 1498; see No. 128.
Biblia Latina, 1497; see No. 148.