account in 1494, or possibly a year earlier; his first works are therefore of later date than those of Machlinia and others who printed by themselves in Caxton's lifetime. He lies buried in the church of St. Bride, Fleet Street.
169. Higden's Polychronicon. Colophon: "Prayenge all theym that shall see this symple worke to pardon me of my symple writynge. Ended the thyrtenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of Kyng Harry the Seventh and the Incarnacyon of our Lord M.CCCLXXXXV.. Emprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn Theworde." Folio. Westminster, 1495— Mr. Quaritch.
170. Another copy: imperfect—Mr. Standidge.
171. Sermo: "in die Innocentium Sermo pro Episcopo Puerorum." Woodcut of the crucifixion, from Caxton's Fifteen Oes.: Heber's copy. Another copy is said by Lowndes to be at Stonyhurst College: no more known. 4to. No date. 1496?—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
172. Communication bytwene God and man: imperfect, wanting first leaf. No other copy known. Heber's. 4to. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
173. Parvulorum institucio: perhaps the first edition of this rare tract: it exactly resembles the edition of 1521. 4to. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
174. Vulgaria Quedam ex Latina Collecta: a dictionary of proverbs in Latin and English. 16mo. 1500—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
175. Vitas Patrum, or the lyves of the olde auncient holy faders hermytes, translated by the blessyd Saynt Jerome out of Greke into Latyn, Latyn into Frenshe, and after reduced into Englyshe by Willyam Caxton late deed. Very fine and perfect copy. Woodcuts. Folio. Westminster, 1495—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
176. Dives et Pauper. Second edition. See Pynson. Folio. 1496—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
177. Mons Perfectionis. Woodcuts. 4to. 1501—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
178. Lyfe of John Pycus, Erle of Myrandula—a grete Lorde of Italy. Small 4to. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
179. Holte's Mylke for Chyldren: a grammar: Heber's copy, the only one known. Woodcuts. 4to. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
180. Sermo Exhortatorius Cancellarii Ebor: hiis qui ad sacros ordines petunt promoveri: with the imprimatur of John Colet. Bright's copy. 4to. No date. 1494?—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
181. The Chronycle of Englond with the frute of Tymes; the Descrypcyon of Englonde Wayls Scotland and Irlond speaking of the Noblesse and Worthynesse of the same. Slightly imperfect. Folio. 1502—Society of Antiquaries.
182. The Boke of Comforte: imperfect, wanting title. 4to. No date—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
183. The Arte and Crafte to Lyve and Dye well: imperfect, beginning