esse docet atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna commemorat, Italice (auctore F. Columna). Woodcuts, attributed to Giovanni Bellini or to Mantegua. Folio. Venice, 1499—Mr. Addington.
130. Another copy; 1499—Sir T. E. Winnington, Burt.
131. Another copy; 1499—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
132. Another copy; 1499—Society of Antiquaries.
133. Sophocles; very fine and tall copy. 8vo. Venice, 1502—Mr. Tebbs.
Andrea d'Assola. After the death of Aldus in 1515, his father-in-law, A. d'Assola, ciu-ried on the business till the children came of age. The two following books were printed during their minority:—
134. Oppianus, editio princeps. 12mo. Venice, 1517—The Rev. R. P. Coates.
135. Martial. 12mo. Venice, 1517—The Rev. R. P. Coates.
Gabriel Giolito de Ferrara.
136. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso; scarce edition. 4to. Venice, 1549—Society of Antiquaries.
Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana; the printing office of the Papal Government.
137. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. Folio. Rome, 1591—Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
Francis de Hailbrunn,
Peter de Bartua: commenced to print in 1171, and continued until 1494. Their works are very scarce.
138. S. Thomæ de Aquino, Prima Pars secundæ partis Summæ Theologiæ; on vellum, with 110 initial letters beautifully iliuminated. Small folio. Venice, 1478—Mr. Addington.
Mattheus Moravus: commenced printing in 1474.
139. Senecæ opera onmia; first edition, extremely rare; slightly imperfect, but with the missing parts restored in fac-simile. Folio. Naples, 1475—Messrs. Ellis and Green.
Da Sabbio,
140. Historia molto delettevolo, Boccaccio. 12mo. Venice, 1526—Mr. Waller.
Melchior Sessa.
141. Ameto de Boccaccio; in the same volume with the foregoing—Venice, 1534.
Francesco di Francheschi.
142. Architettura di Sebastiano Serlio. Woodcuts. Folio. Venice, 1534—Mr. T. Talbot Bury.
Bartholomæus de Cremona.
143. Summula Confessionis; illuminated, on paper. Folio. Venice, 1473—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.