103. Horæ. Outline woodcut borders and illustrations. 8vo. Paris, 1524—Mr. Fisher.
104. Pedanii Dioscorides. 8vo. Paris, 1537—Mr. Yates.
Geoffrey Tori: began to print, cir. 1525.
105. Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. Outline borders and cuts. 8vo. Paris, 1527—Mr. Fisher.
A very perfect example of this admired printer.
Oliver Mallard.
106. Horææ. Colophon, "Parisiis, Oliverius Mallard, Bibliopola Regi: sub signo vasis effracti." Woodcut borders in outline, like the contemporary style of MS. illumination, containing insects, fruit, and flowers. Binding coloured and inlaid in grolier style, green and white on brown ground. 8vo. Paris, 1541—Mr. Addington.
Regnaud Chaudiere: began to print, 1550, on the death of Colines, whose daughter and heiress he married.
107. Palladii Historia. Folio. Paris, 1570—Mr. Yates.
108. Virgilii Bucolica, Svo. Paris, 1555—The Rev. R. P. Coates.
Jehan Le Marchant.
109. The Prymer of Salisbury Use . . . "with many prayers and goodly Pyctures in the Kalendar," &c. 8vo. Rouen, 1538—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
Benedict Prevost: began to print, cir. 1545.
110. Hieroclis Commentarius in Aurea Carmina Pythagoreorum. 12mo. Paris, 1583—Mr. Yates.
111. Terentii Comediæ. Woodcuts. Folio. Paris, 1552—Mr. Yates.
Claude Chevallon: married, in 1520, the widow of Berthold Rembolt, Charlotte Guillard, herself a printer. He died in 1540.
112. Institutiones Justiniani; with the printer's very curious device. 12mo. "Sub sole Aurea in via Jacobea." Paris, 1530. Mr. Yates.
Gillet Hardouyn.
113. Heures a l'usage de Rome. Printed on vellum; woodcuts and borders. Large 8vo. Paris, no date—Mr. Fisher.
See Brunet, vol. v. Appendix.
114. Heures a l'usage de Rome. Printed on vellum, and magnificently illuminated in gold and colours. Small 8vo. Paris, 1515—Sir W. Tite, M.P.
William Le Noir.
115. genealogies de Soixante et sept tres nobles maisons. Woodcut of arms on one page. 4 to. Paris, 1586—Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
Sebastian Gryphus: b. 1493; began to print — — ?; d. 1550.
116. Valerius Flaccus; Argonautica. 18mo. Lyons, 1548. Martialis Epigrammata. 18mo. Lyons, 1548—Mr. Yates.
Anthony Gryphus, son and successor of the above.
117. Ciceronis Opera. 18mo. Lyons, 1570—Mr. Yates.
118. Senccæ Tragedia. 18mo. Lyons, 1584—Mr. Yates.