1. Wochenlich Andacht, zu seligkeit der weltlichen menschen. Woodcuts, Coloured, accompanied by manuscript; on vellum, 33 pages, 69 cuts, several having xylographic legends or inscriptions. Folio. Ulm or Augsberg, cir. 1450—Mr. Quaritch.
2. Apocalypsis cum Figuris: coloured woodcuts, paper. Folio, 48 leaves. From the Corser Collection, bought from the Stowe library for £550. Sotheby calls this in his Principia Typographia the 5th edition. Cir. 1450—Sir. W. Tite.
3. Relics of the Abbey of Andechs: paper. Folio sheet of impressions from wood blocks, unique, 1496—Messre. Ellis and Green.
John Gutenberg, or Gentsfleish, von Sorgenloch: born cir. 1400, died 1468. The following works are attributed to him.
4. St. Thomas Aquinas: de Articulis Fidei et Ecclesiæ. Executed with the same types as the Catholicon of 1460, but the rudeness of the printing may point to an earlier date. Uncut, no catchwords, signatures, or page numbers; 34 lines to a page, capitals rubricated; 13 leaves. 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
5. The same: cut, but with wide margins; this note in MS. at the end, "Hunc Thesaur̃ scias custodire sup̃ aurũ." 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
6. Hermanni de Saldis Speculum clarum nobile et p̄ciosum xp̄orum Sacerdotum: Colophon: "Maguntiæque impssum feliciter finit." From the library of the late Duke of Sussex. No other copy known; that formerly in the Mentz Library being now lost. No catchwords, signatures, or page numbers; 16 leaves, capitals rubricated. 4to. Cir. 1460 —The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
7. Determinacō duarū subjectarū questionu Sifridi Ep'i Ciren'. From the Sussex library; one other copy known: same type as the three foregoing, 26 leaves, no catchwords, &c., 28 lines to a page, capitals rubricated. 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
8. Directorium Humanæ Vitæ alias Parabole Antiquarū Sapientiū. Same type as foregoing; no printer's name, place, or date; no catchwords, page numbers, or signatures. 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
9. Incipit Donat. venerabili magistri Johannis Gerson, cancellarii Parisiensis. Has a kind of title page bearing the above sentence, otherwise similar to the foregoing; verso of page 1 blank, no page numbers, signatures, or catchwords. 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.
10. Tractatus Johīs Gersoni . . . de Scrupulo quorumdam, &c.
11. Henry de Hassia Regule adygnoscendū iter, &c. In ono vol. with the foregoing. 4to. Cir. 1460—The Rev. J. Fuller Russell.