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l^JDEX. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., M. P., his letter in reference to the temple at Abury, 273. M. Mac-Lauchlan, Mr. Henry, his notes on site of the Palace of Keunington, 166. Maclean, Sir Juhu, exhibits deed of feoff- meut of laud in Trevauioii, Cornwall, 188: case for snuff-grater, ib.; seal found in the parish of St. Austell, Cornwall, ib. ; deed of graut relating to Blyston, Cornwall, 193; commu- nicates deed with seal having Arabic characters, 290,291. Maestricht, box from the cathedral of, 279. Marino, Italy, urn found at, 191, 194. Mazarine Testament, the Lambeth, notes on, 242, 273. Medical recipes of the seventeenth cen- tury, by J. Hewitt. 71, 1?>6. Mediterninean, guns found at the Isle of Symi in the, 99. Men, Le, M.. sie Le Men, M. Metz, seal of monastery at, 103. Micklethwaite, Mr. J. T., his memoir on the shrine of St. Alban, 201, 273. MiDDi-KSEX : — Account of the muniments of the Abbey of Westminster, 135. Monstrances of copper or mixed metal, 293. Morgan, Mr. Octavius, M.P., his remarks on the death of SirT. E. Winnington, Bart., 360 ; exhibits a medallion in enamel by Christian Vermuth, with portrait of Frederick Augustus III., Elector of Saxony, &c., 363 ; a pack of French playing cards, 364 ; a silver-gilt jjomander, iO. ; an Epis- copal ring found at Morton, Bucks, ib. ; a gold signet ring with arms of Acklatn family, lb. Morton, Bucks, Episcopal ring found at, 364. Murcia, Spain, Yecla in the province of ; lutUT relating to the tiiscovery of object* of archieological interest there, and their proj)<>8«<l sale, 94. Mus'r el Ateyah, Egypt, notes «n tlie ancient Christian cliurches of, l)y the Itev. (i. CIuhUt, 94, 120. Mvxeio (?) seal of, 366. N Nichols, Mr. J. V., exliibitii % coppor matrix bearing the Holy Uunb, found at IJrintol, 36), 36r>. NoHTMAMiToN : -fragnifntii of Saiui.ui ware, found U' .r Cantor, 279. NoKTorMBERLAND : — memoir on the Cor- bridge Lanx, 223. KoBWAY : — Norwegian coins exhibited, 274. 0. Odiham Castle, Hants, memoir on, 331. Oldlifld, Mr., his remarks on early Chris- tian rings, 167. Omagh, CO. Tyrone: — '"Notes" on an ancient fibula found there, 275. Orkney : — bronze spear-head, Roman fibula, and silver boss found at Bishop's Castle, 274. Paintings : — ancient portraitures of our Lord, memoir on, 109, 191 ; mural painting in the church of Bramford, Suffolk, 194. Paris, matrices of seals acquired in, 865. Parker, Mr. J. H., C.B. , his memoir on the church of St. Mary, Guildford, 170; his account of excavations in Home, 1871, 1872;— 249, 363, 305. Patterson, Mr. W. H., exhiV)it,s ])hotograph of sepulchral slab at Killybegs, Ire- land, 97. Peak, High, urc Sidmouth. Pensioners, Gentlemen, MS. roll of, 193. Pepys, Mr. E., exhibits bronze weapons found near Flixborough, Lincoln, 194. Perth, MS. bond between citizens of, 96. Physique occulte, La, work so called, exhibited, 1S7. Pisa, Itily, piiotographs of keys suppo.'^ed to have been tlioso of the Torre della Fame at, exhibitetl, 2.H8, 2!ll ; Urra cotta sculpture representing the story of rgolino, 2»9 ; photograjih of building on the site of the Torre della Fame, 291. Pomine c/miiffirtlte, or ailefactory, 293. Pouii)eii, object of bronze found near, 279. PoTTKiiY :— fragments from High Paik, Siilmoulh, 96; " incensi- cup" from Upton I'ytK', near Ex«ti i, i/>. ; found at West Tilbury, Kssix, 187; urn found at Marino, luiy. 191, 194; fragments of Sjunian ware fiuind m-ar C.uit4jr, Nortiiaiu|it<>n. 279 ; cinerary urns foiuid at Dcwiisii, Dorset, 2.S(i ; Uomau and other pottery exhibited, 365. Pro hint< trie archiu'ology of East Devon, Noteu on, by the Uev. U. Kirwau, 31, 151.

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