425 Hdntingdonshirk : — sculptured stone found at (JodiuancLester, VJi. lago, the Rev. W., exhibits photogiaph of ancient chest at C'aidjnham, Cornwall, 98; seal found in Corn- wall, 188. James, Major-General Sir Henry, R. E., his account of a block of tin dredged up in Falmouth harbour, i)5. JaiviB, Mrs., exhibits small lady's finger ring of gold, found at Rochetta, Kssex, 365. Jervoise, Sir Jervoise Clarke, Bart., ex- hibits a bronze palstave and object of terra cotta, found near Brewlands, Forfarshire, 96 ; a MS. bond between citizens of Perth, 1 (330, ib. ; a Roman coin found at Horndean, Hants, 187 ; works, entitled " La Physique occulte," &c., Amsterdam, 1693, 12mo., ib. ; and " Pseudoxia Epi- demica," by iJr. Thomas Browne, ltit)9, 188. Ibeland : — photograph of a sepulchral slab at Killybegs, co. Donegal, 97 ; brass signet-riug found at Dunlow, 98; " notes " on a Fibula found at Omagh, CO. Tyrone, 275 ; Professor Lewis's account of the teaching of Archaeology in Queen's College, Cork, 3ti3. Ikon : — objects of, axe-head found in the Thames, 96. Italy : — memoir on ancient portraitures of our Lord, after the type of the emerald Verniele in the Vatican 109, 191 ; urn found at Marino 191, 194 ; e.vcavations in Rome, 1871, 1872, 249, 363; objects found between Capua and Caserta, and near Pompeii, 279 ; photographs of keys supposed to be those of the Tone della Fame at Pisa, 288, 291; sculp- ture repiesenting the story of UgoUno, 269 ; seal found in the Arno, 291 ; indenture of apprentice- ship, temp. Ric. II., 184; matrices of seals acquired by Professor Donaldson in, 365 ; seal of the Bishop of Bisignano, 366 ; of an institution at Venice, ib. ; of Modena, ib. E. Keller, Dr. Ferdinand, contributes notes on Roman bronzes, &c., found in Switzerland, 189, 193, 342. Kendrick, Dr., exhibits impression of signet of Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countesij of Derby, 103. Kennington, notes on the site of the Palace of, 166. Kemt : — a Roman fibula, and other objects found at Canterbury, 195. Kerr, Mrs., contributes photographs of keys supposed to have been those of the Torre della Fame at Pisa, 288, 291 ; contributes photograph of building at Pisa, 291 ; impression of consular seal found in the Arno, 291. Killybegs, Ireland, photograph of sepul- chral slab at, 97. King, Mr. C. W., his memoir on a cameo found at Stanwix, near Carlisle, 26, 99; supplementary notice to his memoir on the emerald Verniele in the Vatican, by Mr. Albert Way, 109 ; his memoir on the Corbridge Lanx, 223. Kirwan, the Rev. R., his " Notes on the Pre-historic Archaeology of East Devon," 34, 151 ; exhibits a bronze palstave, and other objects found in Devonshire, 96. L. Lambeth Mazarine Testament, the, notes on, 242, 273. Le Men (of Quimper), M., his memoir on Gaulish fortresses on the coast of Brittany, 314. Lewis, the Kev. S. S., see Lewis, Professor Bunnel. Lewis, Professor Bunnel, his memoir on Archajologj' as a branch of classical education, and of its being taught at Queen's College, Cork, 363 ; exhibits (in conjunction with the Rev. S. S. Lewis) a collection of Greek and Roman coins, specimens of pottery, lamps, &c., ifroni Cyprus, jar from Idalium, and an ..Enochoe found near Cambridge, 365. LiNCOLNsniuK: — bronze weapons found near Flixborough, 194. Llantril^.s;unt borough charter, 351. Llantwit Major, Glamorgan, bronze object found at, 99. Loftie, the Rev. V. J., his catalogue of a collection of early printed books, 45 ; supplemenUl note theieon by the Rev. J. F. Russell. 181 ; his remarks on early Christian rings, 187; his " Notes "on the Lambeth Mazarine Testament, 242, 273.