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INDEX. Falmouth, account of a block of tin, dredged up in the harbour of, 95. Faashawe, Mr. J. G., exhibits seal of monxstery .it Met/., 103. Ffarinijton, MLss. exhibits matrix of per- sonal seal, 'J91. Heming, John, Lord, seal of, 279. riint, Mr. F. Lu.ld, exhibits various objects found at Canterbury, 195. Flixborough, Lincoln, bronze weapons found near, 194. Klower, Mrs. Wiciiham, exhibits gold ear- rings from (Jyprurt, 365. Forfarshire, Brewlands in, bronze palstave and object of teira cotta found near, 96. Fortnum. Mr. C. D. E., his memoir on early Christian rings, 99, 187; his notes on an urn found at Marino, Italy, 191, 194; on a sculpture by Pierino da Vinci, representing the story of Ugolino, 289; his memoir on two gold rings, 305. FnAffCE: — French cavalrj- sword exhi- bite<i, )i ; seal of monastery at .Metz, 103 ; miscellaneous collection of objects chieflyacquired in Burgundy, 29".J ; memoir on Gaulish fortre»ses on the cca-st of Brittany, 314 ; pack of French playing cards exhibited, 364 ; matrices of seals acquired in I*;u-is, 3*J5; seal of Uijon, ih. ; of Condom, /'>. ; of Provins, ib. ; of the Seigneur <le Rabon, Hautes Alpes, ifj. ; of Clairvaux, 366. Frederick Augu-stus III., elector of Saxony, &c , medallion with portrait of, 3G3. Frost, Mrs. Meadows, exhibits three Papal medals bearing profiles of Our Lord, 1U2. G. Oauli«li furtroHws on the coast of Brit- tany, memoir on, by M. Ixs Men (of Quiiii|M)r), 314. Oenthfmen I'enitionerH, MS. roll r»f, 193. "Gcoghegan.Mr. A. ()., exliibit« an oriontjil wooden tibl«!t, a braiw Higiict ring f'HiiKl at Diiiilow, Iritland, and a Fn-iich c.iv.ilry Mword of the period of the l{<!Vi.liitii>n. 9S ; a bronzo HiM-ar hco/l, a Koman fibula, and n Hilver box, found at Ititliop'M CnMtio, UrkiK'y, 274; "not<>»«" <»n a fibula cxiiibiti-d by him, found at Gmogh, CO. Tyrone, 275. Or.iiMAMr : lx>x from tho cathedral of Mouitricbt, 27U. Glamorgan r — bronze object found at Lhantwit Major, 99 ; excavations at I'ardili' Castle, 19S; Llantrissaiut borough charter, 351. Gloucestershire : — charters relating to, 268 ; seal found near Tewkesbury, 291. Gltptio Art :— cameo found at Stanwix, near Carlisle, 26 ; memoir on ancient portraitures of our Lord, after the type of the emerald Yernicle in the Vatican, 109, 191. Godmanchestec, Huntingdon, sculptured stone found at, 194. Golding, Mr. C, exhibits MS. roll of gentlemen pensioners, 11, Charles I., 193. Greaves, Mr. C. S., his remarks on the late Canon Rock, 186 ; his account of a Runic comb and objects of flint, &c , found at and ne;ir Whitby, Yorkshire, 280, 291. Greece : — accountof explorations on the site of the temple of Kphesus, 360, 3'i5 ; lamps, kc, from Cy[)ru8, 365 ; jar from M.alium, /i. ; gold ear-rings from Cyprus, Ih. Guildford, Surre}-, Mr. G. T. Clark's memoir on the castle, 1 ; Mr. Parker' s on the church of St. Mary, 170 ; propo.'<ed excursion t<->, 280; report of special excursion to, 366. n. HAMrsniRB : — sculptured figures, kc, in E.ustnn church, 91, 97; Roman coin found at HoriKlean, 1S7; memoir on the Alien Priories in the Isle of Wight, 230 ; Hint implement found in tiie I>le of Wight. 27m, 27>; flint implement found at Rournemouth, 279 ; memoir on Odiliam Castle, 331. Helyar, Mr., exliibits deed with seal in- Bcrilied with .rabic characters, 291. Henderson, Mr. J., (exhibits casket, and met.-d box of I'ersiati work, damas- cened, 274 ; Russian enamelled bowln, 278; personal seal, 291. HKKTKoitDsiiiKK :- muiiiojr on the slirine of St. All.an, 201, -^73. Hewitt, John, coiitniuiteH medical re- cipes of tin* seventeenth century, 71, ixil; memoir on guns found at the Island of .Synii, in the .M.diterra- neiin, 99 ; liis remarks on an implu- ni.nt of Hint. 27.S. Higli I'riik, Sidmoulli, pottery from, Ort. llorndeaii, llanlM, Roman coin found at, 1^7. Hour», .MS. books of, 102.

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