INDEX. Awl, bronze pin or, from Upton Pyne, near Exeter, 9(5. Aze-bead of iron, found in theThames, 96. Baden in Aargavi, Switzerland, Roman ; bronzes and other relics found at, 1M». Bayly,Sparsel, Mr.J.A.,.?feSparvel-Bayly. Beada of red clay, &c., found at Upton Pyne near Exeter, 96. Beck, the Bev. J., exhibits a coffer of woo<l, I'd ; box from cathedi-al of Maestricht, 279. Benha, in Lower Egypt, bronze figure of Venus from, 97. Bingham, the Rev. C. W., exhibits key found at Cheselborne, Dorset, 279. Bishop's Castle, Orkney, bronze spear-head and other objects found at, "274. Bisignano in I tiily, seal of the Bishop of, 366. Blyston, Cornwall, deed relating to, 193. BuOKS, early printed, catalogue of, by the Rev. W. .r. Loftie, 45; MS. books of Hours exhibited, 102 ; supplemental note on catalogue of, Isl ; " La Physique occulte," &c., exhibited, 187 ; '■ Pseudoxia Epidemica " exhi- bited, lb»; early printetl, exhibited by .Sir V. Tite, 274. Bournemouth, Hants, flint implement found at. "279. Bramford, Suffolk, mural painting in the church of, 191. Brass, objects of: — spur, gilt; knife- handks; cla.sp-knives; ribantls, gilt; lions ; spout in fonu of an animal ; ci-ucifix, 292; globular box of, a pom me chaiijferelle, 293. Brewlands, Forfamhire, bronze palstave and object of tcrra-cotta found near, 9»;. Eriiitol, account of a copper matrix bear- ing the Holy Lamb, found at, 361, 305. Brittany, Gaulish fortresses on the coast of, memoir on, 314. Bronze, objt-cts of : — palstave and part of a cake, from Orewstoignton, Dfvoii, 9'> ; dagger, and pin or awl, from Upton Pyne, ib.; palsUivu foimd n<ar BrewlaiiilH, Korfnrsliiro, ih. ; (igum of Venus, from Bcidia in Lower I'gypt, 97 ; foutid in a grave at Llanlwit Major, (Jlamurgan, 9'.' ; Pii|mi1 mnlalM, Wiring jifofilo of Our Lmcl, loj; found at lio'lcn in Aargau, Switr.tir- land, 1H9, 342; weapouM of, found Doar Flixborougli, Lincoln, 'jl; spear-head found at Bishops-Castle, Orkney, 274 ; key with handle of bronze found at Che.-<elborne, Dorset, 279 ; object of, fouml near Pompeii, 279 ; animal of, spoons of, fork of, 292. Buch, M. Victor de, exhibits two MS. books of Hours, 102. BccKiNGHAMsiiiuE : — Ejiiscopal ring found at Morton, 364. Burgundy, miscellaneous collection of objects chiefly acquired in, 292. Burtt, Air., his account of the muni- ments of the Abbey of Westminster, 1 35 ; his remarks on a seal formed of an antique gem, '290. Bury, Mr. Talbot, ixliibits armour of steel from Constantinoitle, 1 93 ; his re- marks on the shrine of St. Albau, 273. Byzantine bi-cephalic signet ring of gold, memoir on, 305. C. Cairo, Old, notes on the ancient Christian churches of, 94, 120. Calefactory, or pomme chuuffcrette, 293. Cambriilge, CEnochoo, Romano-British, found near, 305. Cameos: — one of antique paste, found at Stanwix, near (Jarlisle, 2(), 99. Capua and Caserta, objects of metal found between, 279. Cardiff Castle, Glamorgan, excavations at, 198. Carlisle, cameo found at Stanwix, near, 26. Canterbury, Kent, Roman tibula and other objects found at, 195. Canterbury, the Archbi.shop of, the Ma- zarin Testament exhibited by per- mission of, 274. Cardynham, Cornwall, photograph of ancient che.st at, 98. Came, Dr. J. W. Nicholl, I'xhiliits a bronze tibject foun<l at Llautwit Major, Gliunorgan, 99. Caserti and ( 'apua, objects of metal found between, 279. Caiit'>r, Northampton, fragments of Sa- mian wnii; found mar, 279. fMiesclborne, Dorstt, key found at, 279. Bhvster, the Rev. Greviiio, liis notes on tiiu ancient CliriHtiaii cliiuche.s of Mufl'r el Ateyali, Atei-kah, Egypt, 94, 120; exiiiliilH a bronze figure of Vonus, 97 ; objects found in lUily, 279; vi>«tmi'nts found at Atreeb, Lower EKyi't, 292. ChriHtophcr, St., nr St. ('hristophor. Ciborift, or rovur<-d cups, 293. CLiirvaux, in I'r.inic, seal of, 360.