18. Burgesses' cattle to have free pa.sturc on the waste, witliout taUago or rent. 11). No stmnger l)aihff to fill the ofhcc of coroner within the liberties, Bavo only the constable of the castle. ' Locamum et scotamum' are scot and lot, assessment to the town con- tributions. * Assisa panis et cervisiic,' tlio fixing the price of bread and ale. * Clamor hutesii' is the hue and cry, or pursuit of an offender who lias shed blood. ' Forestullum,' tiie intercepting and buying up food on its way to market, to keep up its price ; ' lionesoken or hamesoken,* the im- munity of a man's house, the violation of which is burglary. Housebote is the right to take timber for house repairs in the lord's woods. Hay- bote, to take underwood for repairing fences. Stonputhe is a very rare word indt!ed ; probal)ly the right to jmt in a stone and use the lord's mill. ' Pannagiuin,' is the rigiit to feed hogs on beech-mast or acorns in the lord's woods. ' Porcella ' and 'Porciolus' mean a little pig.
- Itedditus advocationis,' the rent of avowry, or the lord's protection.'
G. T. C. [The Council of the Institute desires to acknowledge the kind liberality of " G. T. C," in presenting the Journal with the woodcut of the fine Seal figured above.] ' See vol. vi., p. 16i, for illustrations of this term and its meaning.