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way. Only the txtrenie points at the fonr quarters seem to be iuclicated. It is remarkable that the Cliarter of Hugh le Despenser here pre- served, and dated 134<i, is silent as to any previous charter of incorpora- tion. Nevertheless such there evidently was, as it takes for granted tho exifiteuco of Burgesses, Burgages, and electetl utticers of the borough. ' Coufimiasse' also supports this view. Cardiff is in a similar case, its eailiest charter from its Lords being by Hugh de Despenser in 133t>. With him, however, concurs his wife, the de Clare heiress. The privileges either granted or contirmed in 134G are, — 1. The burges.ses, a^s their antecessoi-s were, and as their successora will be, are free throughout the Lord's dominions in Kngland and Wales : free with their merchandize and chattels from toll, wall-tax, bridge-tax, pavage, pickage, and cpuiy-tax, and from all other customs. 2. Any burgess may will any burgage tenements or rents by him- self acquired to whom he slhdl jtlease. 3. Xo burgess to be constrained for any purpose to pass beyond tho ancient liberties aud bounds of the town as laid down. 4. Burgesses not to be receivei-s of the lord's taxes, save those pro- ceeding from the bailiwick of the town. 5. None shall keep stall or shop or tavern in the town save those pay- ing scot and lot, or members of a guild within the liberties. G. Burgesses may form a guild. 7. Burgesses not to be distrained for another's debt unless' they have become bail b. The lord's bailiffs are not to distrain or summons within tho liberties. This can only be dune by the Constable of the lord's castle or by the bailiff elected by tiie burgesses. 0. Tnidera with goods to traverse tho town only by tho highways, bo that tho lord's customs be not evaded. 10. No burgess wIkj can find bail may be imprisoned, save for felony when taken in the fact, or when it afi'ects specially the lord or his hou.sehold. 11. In all lawful inquisitions relating t(j the property of tho burgesses the inquisitoi-s to be burgesses. 12. Burgesses not to bo called upon to watcli for any fugitive taking refuge in a church. 13. Tlie loril's constable may make proclamation of assizo of bread aud ale, and of all matters touching tho town when necessary. 11. Tlio constable to hold Himdred Courts for tho town monthly for all plca.s, as hue and cry, blooilsheil, debts, A'c. ; but pleas of the Crown, forestal or forfeiture, honesoken (;r manslaughter, ami [>leius of tho land are excepted. To wiiich franchises are added by Ivlward lo Despenser; l.'f. llousebuto and heybote and reiusonable rigiits to dead wood in the forests of .Miskyn and Clyu iJlujudda. I'). The usual right of free tenants to Stonpuihe in the lord's mills of .Miskyn. 17. Kight of pannago of liogs in Miskyn ami (llyn Hliondda, Having oidy to tho lord and his heirs, for each great pig, b/. ; for ouch pig six months old i-/. ; tor piircioles and ]>orcclli of under growtlt nothing.

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