GuildforJ for a wolf caught by his master's dogs at Free- mantel 1. 1 5 John, 1214. ^[oney had been spent by John fitz Hugh on repairs of the King's castles of Windsor and Odihain. The King was at the latter place in January. Magna Charta was tested l.^th June, 1215, 17 John. In the preceding May the King was at Odiham, from the 21st to the 25th, and from the 28th to the 30th, seven days. On the 29th he addressed the letter to Pope Innocent, in which he pleaded the contumacy of the barons as the reason why he could not go to the Holy Land. On the same day the castle of Devizes was ordered to be repaired, and Hugh de Beauchamp's lands were to be taken possession of if he was with the rebels. From the 31st of May to the 3rd of June, the King was at Windsor. On 4th June he was at Odiham, whence he went to Winchester and was there from the 5th to the 8th. He thence paid a hasty visit to Merton, but was at Odiham on the 9th, it is said with seven knights only. On the 11th he was at Windsor, and there remained, visiting Uunnymede, from thence to grant the Charter, and returning to Windsor till the 21st, Avhen he was again at Kunnvmcde. And so to and fro till the 2Gth when he was at Odiham for a day. In that year there was also a charge fur putting garrisons into Odiham and other castles. At this time Juhn seems to have been preparing for the struggle by collecting what he had portable of value. The Piior of Reading brought to him at Odiham, on the 2Gth June, a silver cabinet and an ivory cabinet with precious stones and reliques, a gold cup given him by the Pope, much silver and silver-gilt })late, various rolls of the royal chamber and of the Kxclierpiur and his seal, all which had been dej)osite<l in Reading Abbey. On the following day he was at Winchester, ami there received by Adam, the cellarer of Mertun, more plate ami jev/els, .sapphires, balas rubies, itc, which ha<l been in keeping of the convent theic, and again on tli(! same day a very nnich larger rpiantity also of j)late and jewels, brought by Michael, a canon ol" Wakliam, from the custo<ly of the liou.sc there. Tlie details of all these valuables are given at length on theP.itent Rolls. From Winchester he went to various j)laces in iltshire and the south of Knglaiid. In th(; following year, 12U), 17 John, ihe King was at ( Jililiaiu lor the last Uiiw for live davs in A juil, .-iinl on tli(^ 1 ."jlh