All of them have tlicir extremities marked with traces of per- cussion. Some of tluni present on each side towards their upper extremity little hollows to receive the thumb ami middle fiiiLrer, while the fordiuirer pressed stromrlv on the instru- ment when in use. lii one of these imj)leinents, the sides of ^vhicll are unusually flat, these little cavities liavc been re- placed by dotted work {innntilh'), and evidently with the same object, namely to prevent the fingers slipping on the smooth face of the stone.^ IV. — Eight small quartz oblong stones, a little more than 3 in. lone:, and narrower in their middle. These seem to have served as burnishers. V. — ^ixty hammers or jiercussors, being mostly irregular pieces of granite, more or less angular, and having natural depressions, such as to receive the fingers. Others are formed of llattish quartz boulders, or compact (jrl'S, of oval form, and very smooth. Several of these last mentioned have an arti- ficial cavity, or kind of fretted work {/joinfill<'), which is excel- leritly adapted for assisting the grasp. They all of them bear marks of percussion, so as to leave no doubt of their use and object. One of them, however, is of a difi'ercnt form, being spherical. It is a i)ebble of quartzose rjrh, and has many traces of hard usage as a hannner. These various types of hammer were also found in the subterranean chambers of La Tourelle, near Quimper. VI. — Nineteen sharpening stones, many of which arc of a fine hard grain. They have evidently been used for a long ])eriod, and are furrowed with lines produced by some sharp- pointed implement. The largest of them bears on its surface mai-ks of oxide of iron. Tlieir length varies from 2 to 10 in., and one or more of them wi>re found in all the excavated chambers in Castel C(»z. They arc exactly like those found at La Touix'lle. VII. — iMght buttons or spindle-whorls of baked clay, with- out any oinamcnt, and measuring in diameter from (i to S-.Oths of ;iii ill., and 4 to G-.Oths in thickness, h^omc of them are equally convex on both sides ; others having on one side the form of a truncated rinw, and more projecting than the other. Th'-y all came IV(»ni the ]:vii}' chamher C, except one, which M. I'uolu Livy h-TM foiiml iu a dwell- worked, ncir the liiimllo. to receive the iiiK oil the I.no <lc Fiinon (Venice) a Htono finj;or. (Moitilirt, " MatOmnx pour celt, in which a Mtnall liolc ha» bu.-ii I'lliiituiru de I'lioiiiiiic," i. p. 321).)