Kirclimaiiu refers to key-rings, but ^vitllOut giving any very definite explanation, nor does Longus throw much .idditional hght on the matter. Licetus, writing of the use of the signet to secure treasure, &c., further refers to key- rings. jIr. A aterton supposed that they were used by slaves. Edwards^ repeats the opinion advanced by some Roman archaBologists, that they were given at marriages, and emblematic of the possession of the husband's household goods by the wife. Others suppose that they were given to the affianced bridegroom by the future bride's father, in token that his house was opened to his son-in-law. Mr. King thinks that they must have been the secret keys, crypto claves of the ancients, as being concealed when turned inside the hand. But few deny that some, at least, among these bronze key-rings must have been made for practical purposes, as a convenient and safe form of portable key for opening the casket or the cash-box ; a fashion which has been renewed in our own times. The doubt, however, again arises as to whether the beautiful and delicately-formed ring of nearly pure and soft gold, now under notice, could really have borne any such practical application ; and this doubt is strengthened by the fact, noticed by .Mr. Franks, that the projecting tongue or lift is attached to the hoop, not merely by a neck, but in all its breadth ; differing herein from those of bronze which I have figured. The latter would pass through and up the inverted _[_ T-shaped key-hole, whereas it is difficult to conceive an arrangement which w^ould permit of the up- Confessione di S. Pietro in couti-assegno Nicolai di sigtis, antiquor, cap. 44, de di gratitudine per le grazie ricevute per acquir : vel ainittend : ix)ss : mezzo delle altre donate loro da i Fapi. " Merce dares gunt cum annulo, qualis Hiinane anche oggi I'uso di sospendere et hodie in nostris Vlaribus, que sunt dal coUo, o da gli omeri de i Bambini louffiores, scapo dif/ili inscrcbantur, et alcune cliiavette con anelli di argeuto annuli sijillatorii quo commodius verti fatte a somiglianza della chiave, che possent intra chiustrum ; Scapum quippe dicono essere dulla stanza della B. V. cbe iion habent, quo taieri qucant quippe sit Bi trova in Loreto, siierimentate di molta instar vianubrii. Krcepto aniiulo totoe virtvl per 11 contatto della medesima, o intrd, claustrum merr/ebantur." pure di qualche altra insigne Keliquia. " Festo ancora fa luenzione di alcune "La piccola chiave p^i delineata al cbiavette, cbe costumavansi luandar in No. 37, congiunta coll' anello, e sigillo, dono alle Donzellfl, come annunuzio di era di quelle, cbo gli Anticbi in uso febcitJi uel futuro {larto. 'Clarium con- appunto di sigillo, e di cbiave da aprire, e sududo crat mulicrilms donare, ob aiffnifi- cbiudere gli Scrigni.come rillette I'erudito candani j>arltis facilitatcm.' " Nicolai, per non ismarrirle, sempre por- * Hist, and Poetry of Finger Rings, tavanu in dito a guisa di anello." (Jo. p. 196.