example in my own collectiou combines both these arrange- ments, a piped key projecting from one side of the fniger ring, and a double-tongued (one half unfortunately injured) latcli-key from the other ; it could, therefore, open and close two distinct locks of small size and probably was so used. Xotwitlistanding, it has been doubted whether these key- rings were really intended for use ; but if merely em- blematic why the great variety and intricate arrangement of the wards on some of the examples in our collections? almost equalling those of the larger keys of bronze and iron which have descended to us i'rom lloman times. That they were frequently used as talismans in a darker subse- quent age is probable. Boldetti tells us that it was the custom for the Pope to send ke3'S C? key-rings) to great princes, to some of gold, which had been lowered through an opening in the altar of the confessional into the vault, to touch the tombs of the Saints Peter and Paul ; referring particularly to some sent by JS. Gregory I. (Pope a.d. 590 — G04.) This statement has been referred to by the learned Abbe j[artigny and other writers. Boldetti figures some found in the catacondjs, and it has been supposed that they might have had talismanic powers from having been placed in contact with the rehcs of saints, lie also tells us that, in his day, silver key -like rings were suspended to the necks of children as charms, .said to have come from the Santa Ca.sa at Loretto. He, however, figures one (No. 37) 'svhich he distinctly states to have been used for the ordinary inu-])Oses of a key.'^ ' Boldetti, OsMrvazioni Bopra i Cimi- Gio : Ex Console cosi jLirla il medosiino terj De' .S. S. Martiri, lilj. ii. caj). xiv. Santo : ' Vlavem pai rutuin il >>iiiirlijisiino p. fi07. " A iiiitneri 3(5 o 37 Hi veggono corpore Ikati Petri Aiiogtoli jiro rjim brnr- delineate <liio Chiavetteili uiotalliMnHt-ritu dictionc traiijimuiiifiiu«' (H. Urrg. 1. i. Ai. negl' Anclli trovati in diveiHi CiinitcTJ 20 an<l /K. 31 ). K<1 ixUovo ' Jkati Prtri E l'u>to di quulla del N. 30 potrfl>bu Apo.sloli voLU cloves lrati»mi»»i, i/u<e »iiiirr a>tcriv<rr«i al pio cuhIhuju do i C'riHtiani (r^/rui pogita. mullit golenl wii/i/nt/M coriw- antichi di tocoirvi le Itelifjiiie dc i Santi, care;' o Bcrivoiido a ("iiiliicbc'rto (/Iv 6, O altro couo Sagro, a poi per dovo/iono 1. 5). 't'lairt Saticli Pttri, in i/ui/nu de portarlo o in dito, o addowto ; o corri- Vinrulig Cal'imrum ejiu iiirluaum ttl,^ Hpondcndo in ci("> la loro jiietii alia Fodi!, rj-rellaUiie r<t(nr (liri.rimiit, ut coUo vcnivano con ewio at vtumr pro^crvati da veairo ponce li inalia vuk oinniliiu i rnali. Atizi i Hoinini I'otitelici roMtu- liirauliir.' II cho <li»Mli< pui npcaKJonc alia ruarono di tr.mnu-lU-rU' a i gran rrincipi jiiit.'i do i l-'t-diji di nhtitiiinio altret- in liiogo di 1(<-Ii<|iiie, «• inaiutiiiic (|uello tiuito d'uro <la cull<»-art<i nc i < 'anculiidi'lla d'oro calatu jirinia da una jiiccola (incHtra doir Alt(ir«; dclla C<>nfii«tione ilfl I'riniipc) ' Ilfinn Hun Htntomont Mr. AVatcrton dcgli Afttttiii .S. i'iittro ad haurirtulum foinidrd tint ii|iiniiin liiiit (ixt large, mi lianrtilatrm. Di una di quente oLiavi callu<l, " i>a|inl ringN " contained lilingH uf tranrnewt.'i <a S. Gicgnrio rn|*a in dono a Kt. I'utrTH cliainx.