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279 crowned ; -. Tzar of lUissia ou liurstbaok ; 3. Crest of Astracliaii and Kazar ; 4. St. Michael of the Ukrani ; 5. .Sohvytchegodsk fabric of cnaiuel. It has the date 10-48 in old Russian letters, and has beeu used as a drinking-vesscl. It is said to have bclonj^cd to the Tzar Alcxy Michaelowitch, the father of Peter the Great. — The third bowl is of ^loscow enamel on copper, ■') in. in diameter, and ornamented with flowei-s both inside and outside ou a clear white i^round of enamel ; from the coUcctiun of Count liezb'jrodsko. The two smaller bowls are orna- mented with very delicate and vivid scroll-work. By Mr. Amjeht Way. — Cast of a tri-brachial object of ]lint, f(juud in the Isle of Wi-ht. Cy the IJov. C. W. lhN<;ii>(. — Key found at Cliesell)ornc, Dorset, pro- bably of the fourteenth century. The ward portion is of iron, and much corroded ; the handle of bronze is perfect. The excellent lloriatiou of the handle will be seen by the accompanying wood-cut. Jvcy fuimd at (.'Lcielbonio, Dorset. By the Rev. Greville Chester. — A small collection of bosses of shields and other objects of metal (Italo-Greek ?) found between Capua and Caserta ; together with an object of bronze found near Pompeii. By Mr. E. J. Sandars, of Bournemouth. — An implement of the Paheo- litliic series, obtained from the river drift l)y which the clifls of that part of the coast of Hampshire arc capped. It was foinid early in the present year at the foot of the cliff about half a mile west of the pier at Bourne- moutli, and lay on the shore, where it was fortunately picked up In' Mr. Rfjbert N, Hamond, of Fakcnham, by whose permission it was exhibited. It is of unusuall}' large dimensions, measuring nearly 8| in. iu length, by 4^, in. greatest widtli. This valuable example has been generously jirescuted by Mr. Hamond to the Christy ^Museum. An account of the various specimens found in the gravels of the prcsiuued course of the ancient river Solent is given by Mr. Evans, '• Ancient Stone Imple- ments," pp. .3.57, 5.59. By the Rev. J. BiXK. — A small box of leather, on a wooden frame, found iu a vault iu the Cathedral of ^laestricht ; a label is attached describing it to be for the collection of money for an altar there. P.y Mr. A. H. Sudkx-Smith. — Brass seal of .lohn, sixth Lord Fleming, of Biggar, in Lanarkshire, rirot 1-5!J() ; — quarterly, 1st and 1th argent, a chevron with a doulile trcssuro, Howcred and counter-flowered with flein-- <le-li8, gules, for Fleming ; I'nd and ."^rd, azure, three cinquefoils, argent, for Fi-aser. Crest, a goat's head erased, argent, armed, or. Supporters, two stags, proper, attired, and unguled, or, each gorged with a cullai-, azure, charged with three cinquefoils, argent. Motto, Let deed sluiir. — Tliree fragments of Samiau ware, with potter's marks, found near Ca.stor, Northampton — the Roman Duroln-iv;e. VOL. XX I. K. Q Q

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